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Chicago (IL) - American college of chest physicians, 1970- Magazine Li chevaliers as deus espees - a critical edition / by Robert Toombs Ivey Chapel Hill - University of North Carolina, c1973 Monographic text Chhandogya Upanisad / with the commentary of sri Madhvâchârya, called also Anandatirtha ; translated by Šriša Chandra Vasu New York - AMS Press, 1974 Monographic text Chiaroscuro - the Clair-Obscur Woodcuts by the German and Netherlandish Masters of the 16th and 17th Centuries / a complete catalogue with commentary by Walter L. Strauss New York - Abaris Books, ©1973 Monographic text Chicago essays in economic development / edited and with an introduction by David Wall Chicago ; London - The University of Chicago Press, 1972 Monographic text The Chicago which hunt - papers from the Relative clause festival, April 13, 1972 / edited by Paul M. Peranteau, Judith N. Levi, Gloria C. Phares Chicago - Chicago linguistic society, copyr. 1972 Monographic text Chicagos landmark structures - an inventory - listing the most important buildings in Chicago's architectural legacy and describing their architectural and historical values Chicago - Landmarks preservation council & service, c1974 Monographic text Chicorel bibliography to books on music and musicians / Ed by M. Chicorel.- 1st ed New York - American Library Publishing Co., 1974 Monographic text The chief glory of every people - essays on classic American writers / edited by Matthew J. Bruccoli London ; Amsterdam - Southern Illinois University press, c1973 Monographic text Child and adolescent development - laboratory-field relationships / edited by Alvin M. Snadowsky New York - The Free Press, c1973 Monographic text 2- Child and adolescent psychiatry, sociocultural and community psychiatry / Gerald Caplan editor New York - Basic Book, c1974 It's a part of > American handbook of psychiatry / Silvano Arieti ed Monographic text The child and his image - self concept in the early years / edited by Kaoru Yamamoto Boston etc. - Houghton Mifflin, c1972 Monographic text Child caring - social policy and the institution / Edited by Donnell M. Pappenfort, Dee Morgan Kilpatrick (and) Robert W. Roberts Chicago - Aldine Pub. Co, (1973) Monographic text Child development / Society for research in child development Chicago - University of Chicago press Magazine Child development abstracts and bibliography - issued by the Committee on child development, National research council (1927-1935), by the Society for research in child development Chicago (IL) - University of Chicago press, 1927-2001 Magazine |