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Evanston, Ill. - Northwestern university press, 1972 Monographic text Light & substance - exhibition / editing and catalogue design by Thomas F. Barrow Albuquerque - University Art Museum, University of New Mexico, c1974 Monographic text Light scattering from systems with chemical oscillations and dissipative structures / by Deutch, J.M. Lafayette, Indiana - Project Squid Headquarters Jet Propulsion Center School of Mechanical Engineering, 1972 Monographic text Lighting - 3 reports prepared for the 51st annual meeting Washington - National Research Council, Highway Research Board, 1972 It's a part of > Highway research record Monographic text Lighting handbook Bloomfield (N. J.) - Westinghouse electric corporation, 1974 Monographic text Limb malformations / editor Daniel Bergsma ; sponsored by the John Hopkins medical institutions and the National foundation March of Dimes New York ; London - Stratton intercontinental medical book corp., 1973 Monographic text Limbic and autonomic nervous systems research / (edited by) Leo V. DiCara New York - Plenum press, 1974 Monographic text Limbic system mechanisms and autonomic function / edited by Charles H. Hockman Springfield - Charles C. Thomas, c1972 Monographic text The limits of law / edited by J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman New York - Atherton, 1974 Monographic text The limits to growth - a report for the club of Rome's project on the predicament of mankind / Donella H. Meadows ... and others New York - New American library, 1972 Monographic text The limits to growth - a report for the club of Romes project on the predicament of mankind / Donella H. Meadows ... (and others) New York - Universe Books, c1972 Monographic text Limits to national jurisdiction over the sea / Ed. by G.T. Yates 3. and J.H. Young ; with the collab. of G.D. Billock, jr ; (intr. di A.H. Garretson) Charlottesville - University press of Virginia, 1974 Monographic text Limnology and oceanography Vol.1(1956)- Magazine Limnology and oceanography / American society of limnology and oceanography Lawrence, Kan. - s.n. Magazine Lincoln - classic legend of excellence Dallas - Higland Enterprises, c1972 Monographic text |