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Minneapolis - Burgess Publishing Company, c1974 Monographic text Transition metal chemistry - a series of advances New York - M. Dekker, 1965- Magazine Translatio studii - manuscript and library studies honoring Oliver L. Kapsner / edited by Julian G. Plante Collegeville, Minn. - published for the Monastic Manuscript Microfilm Library by St. John's University press, 1973 Monographic text La transmision inversa de tecnologia - efectos economicos del exodo de personal capacitado de los paises en desarrollo - estudio de la secretaria de la UNCTAD Nueva York - Naciones Unidas, 1974 Monographic text Transnational law in a Changing society - essays in honor of Philip C. Jessup / edited by Wolfgang Friedmann, Louis Henkin and Oliver Lissitzyn New York and London - Columbia university press, 1972 Monographic text Transnational relations and world politics / edited by Robert O. Keohane and Joseph S. Nye Jr Cambridge, Mass. - Harvard university press, 1972 Monographic text Transonic lift augmentation of two-dimensional supercritical aerofoils by means of aft camber, slot blowing and jet flaps, in high Reynolds number flow / David J. Peake ... (and others) (The place of publication is not referred) - ICAS, (1974?) Monographic text Transplantation - official journal of the Transplantation society Baltimore - Williams & Wilkins, 1963- Magazine Transplantation antigens - markers of biological individuality / edited by Barry D. Kahan, Ralph A. Reisfeld New York ; London - Academic press, 1972 Monographic text Transplantation proceedings - an official publication of the Transplantation society New York, N.Y. - Stratton, 1969- Magazine 4- Transport / R. Gordon editor Austin (TX) - Aztec, 1972 It's a part of > Computer programs for chemical engineering education Monographic text Transport and communications bulletin for Asia and the Far East / Economic commission for Asia and the Far East New York - United nations Magazine Transport and optical phenomena / edited by R. K. Willardson, Albert C. Beer New York ; London - Academic Press, 1972 Monographic text Transport in transition - the evolution of traditional shipping in China / translations by Andrew Watson Ann Arbor - Center of Chinese studies, University of Michigan, 1972 Monographic text Le transport par mer du minerai de fer - rapport du secrètariat de la CNUCED New York - Nations Unies, 1974 Monographic text |