Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1972-1974

Page no. 1102 of 2363       

Brooks, G. T.
1- Technology and application / G.T. Brooks
Cleveland - CRC Press, c1974
It's a part of > Chlorinated inseticides / G.T. Brooks
Monographic text

Brooks, Gwendolyn
Report from part one / Gwendolyn Brooks ; prefaces by Don L. Lee and George Kent
Detroit - Broadside press, c1972
Monographic text

Brooks, Joe E.
A review of commensal rodents and their control / author- Joe E. Brooks ; referee- William B. Jackson
New York - Department of health, 1973
Monographic text

Brooks, Norman H.
Dispersion in hydrologic and coastal environments / by Norman H. Brooks
Pasadena - California Institute of Technology, 1972
Monographic text

Brooks, R. R.
Geobotany and biogeochemistry in mineral exploration / R. R. Brooks
New York (etc.) - Harper & Row, c1972
Monographic text

Brooks, Reid M.
Register of new fruit and nut varieties / by Reid M. Brooks and H. P. Olmo, with the assistance of cooperating horticulturists
Berkeley - University of California Press, 1972
Monographic text

Brooks, Stewart M.
Basic biology - a first course
St. Louis - The C.V. Mosby Co., 1972
Monographic text

Broom, H. N.
Small business management / H. N. Broom, Justin G. Longenecker
Cincinnati (ecc.) - South-Western Publishing, c1972
Monographic text

Broom, Leonard
Sociology - a text with adapted readings (by) Leonard Broom (and) Philip Selznick
New York (etc.) - Harper & Row, 1973
Monographic text

Brophy, James J.
Basic electronics for scientists / James J. Brophy
New York (etc.) - McGraw-Hill ; Tokyo - Kogakusha Company, c1972
Monographic text

Brophy, Jere E.
Teacher-student relationships- causes and consequences / Jere E. Brophy, Thomas L. Good
New York - Holt, Rinehart and Winston, c1974
Monographic text

Brophy, Robert Henry
Mancupium and mancipatio in Plautus- one specimen of plautine legal humor and metaphor / Robert Henry Brophy, 3
Ann Arbor - U.M.I., 1974
Monographic text

Brose, Olive Johnson
Frederick Denison Maurice - rebellius conformist
Ohio - University Press, 1972
Monographic text

Brosnan, John
James Bond in the cinema / by John Brosnan
London - The Tantivy ; South Brunswick ; New York - A. S. Barnes, ©1972
Monographic text

Brosses, Charles - de (1709-1777)
Du culte des dieux fétiches ou parallèle de l'ancienne religion de l'Egypte avec la religione actuelle de nigritie / C. de Brosses
Westmead - Gregg international publishers, 1972
Monographic text

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