Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1972-1974

Page no. 1107 of 2363       

Brown, Norman O.
Closing time
New York - Random house, 1973
Monographic text

Brown, Paul
Twelve months in New-Harmony - presenting a faithful account of the principal occurrences which have taken place there within that period; interspersed with remarks / by Paul Brown
Philadelphia - Porcupine Press, 1972
Monographic text

Brown, Paul B.
Electronics for neurobiologists / Paul B. Brown, Bruce W. Maxfield, Howard Moraff
Cambridge (Mass.) ; London - MIT press, c1973
Monographic text

Brown, Phyllis R.
High pressure liquid chromatography - biochemical and biomedical applications / Phyllis R. Brown
New York etc. - Academic press, 1973
Monographic text

Brown, Ralph S. (jr.)
Loyalty & Security - Employment Tests in the United States / by Ralph S. Brown, Jr
New York - Da Capo Press, 1972
Monographic text

Brown, Raymond E.
Crises facing the church / Rajmond E. Brown
Usa, 1974
Monographic text

Brown, Raymond E.
Virginal conception and bodily Resurrection of Jesus / by Raymond E. Brown
New York ; Paramus ; Toronto - Paulist Press, c1973
Monographic text

Brown, Rex V.
Decision analysis - an overview / Rex V. Brown, Andrew S. Kahr, Cameron Peterson
New York (etc.) - Holt, Rinehart and Winston, c1974
Monographic text

Brown, Rex V.
Decision analysis for the manager / Rex V. Brown, Andrew S. Kahr, Cameron Peterson
New York - Holt, Rinehart and Winston, c1974
Monographic text

Brown, Rita Mae
songs to a handsome woman / Rita Mae Brown
Baltimore - Diana press, 1973
Monographic text

Brown, Robert
Explanation in social science / by Robert Brown
Chicago - Aldine, stampa 1973
Monographic text

Brown, Robert Loran
A study of influences from Euro-American art music on certain types of jazz with analyses and recital of selected demonstrative / Robert Loran Brown
Ann Arbor - UMI, 1974
Monographic text

Brown, Roger
A first language - the early stages / Roger Brown
Cambridge (Mass.) - Harvard University press, 1973
Monographic text

Brown, Ronald D.
Heat-transfer and pressure distributions for laminar separated flows downstream of rearward-facing steps with and without mass suction / by Donald D. Brown and Antoni K. Jakubowski
Washington, D. C. - National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1974
Monographic text

Brown, Scott Kent
James- a religio-historical study of the relations between Jewish, Gnostic and Catholic Christianity in the early period through an investigation of the traditions about James the Lord’s brother / by Scott Kent Brown
Ann Arbor, (MI) - University Microfilms, 1972
Monographic text

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