Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1972-1974

Page no. 1111 of 2363       

Brunk, Gretchen
Syntactic glosses in Latin manuscripts of Anglo Saxon origin - a dissertation submitted to the committee on linguistics and the committee on graduate studies of Stanford university in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy / by Gretchen Brunk
Stanford - University, 1973
Monographic text

Brunner, Hellmut
Hieroglyphic writing / by Hellmut Brunner
The place of publication is not referred - Benton, 1974
Monographic text

Brunner, Karl
Problems and issues in current econometric practice / edited by Karl Brunner
Columbus - College of Administrative Science ; Ohio State University, 1972
Monographic text

Bruno, Agnes M.
Toward a quantitative methodology for stylistic analyses / Agnes M. Bruno
Berkeley etc. - University of California Press, 1974
Monographic text

Bruno, Frank J.
Psychology - a life-centered approach
Santa Barbara, California - Hamilton Publ. Co., 1974
Monographic text

Brunschwig, Henri
Enlightenment and romanticism in eighteenth-century Prussia / Henri Brunschwig ; translated by Frank Jellinek
Chicago - University of Chicago Press, 1974
Monographic text

Brunton, Mary
Self-control - a novel / Mary Brunton ; with an introduction for the Garland edition by Gina Luria
New York ; London - Garland, 1974
Monographic text

Bruntz, George G.
Allied propaganda and the Collapse of the German empire in 1918 / by George G. Bruntz
New York - Arno press, 1972
Monographic text

Bruun, Per
Port engineering / Per Bruun
Houston (Texas)-Gulf Publ. Company, c1973
Monographic text

Bruyn, Severyn Ten Haut
An ethical primer on the multinational corporation / by Severyn T. Bruyn, Norman J. Faramelli, and Dennis A. Yates
New York - IDOC-North America, 1973
Monographic text

Bryan, Cyril Philippe
Ancient Egyptian medicine, the papyrus Ebers / translated from the German version by Cyril P. Bryan ; with an introduction by G. Elliot Smith
Chicago - Ares, 1974
Monographic text

Bryant, Andrew
The Italians - how they live and work
Newton Abbot - David and Charles, 1973
Monographic text

Bryant, Clifton D.
Deviant behavior - occupational and organizational bases / Clifton D. Bryant
Chicago - Rand Mc Nally College, c1974
Monographic text

Bryant, Donald C.
Rhetorical dimensions in criticism / Donald C. Bryant
Baton Rouge - Louisiana State University Press, 1973
Monographic text

Bryce, James
The American commonwealth / by James Bryce
New York - AMS Press, 1973
Monographic text

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