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Washington - Folger Shakespeare Library, 1950- Magazine Shale oil, tar sands, and related fuel sources - a symposium co-sponsored by the division of fuel chemistry and the division of petroleum chemistry, Inc. at the 167th meeting of the American Chemical Society, Los Angeles, Calif., April 3-5, 1974 / Teh Fu Yen editor Washington - America Chemical Society, 1976 Monographic text Shang Yang's reforms and state control in China / Edited with an introduction by Li Yu-Ning White Plains (N.Y.) - M.E.Sharpe, c1977 Monographic text Shape memory effects in alloys - (proceedings of the International Symposium on Shape Memory Effects and Applications held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 19-22, 1975) / edited by Jeff Perkins New York - Plenum Press, c1975 Monographic text Shaping the American educational state - 1900 to the present / edited and with introductory essays by Clarence J. Karier New York - Free Press, (1975) Monographic text The shattered illusion - African students in communist countries / introduction by Max Yergan New York - American Afro-Asian educational exchange, 196. Monographic text Sheilah Graham's Hollywood Yearbook New York - Dell Pub., 1951- Magazine Shelter, sign & symbol / edited by Paul Oliver Woodstock ; New York - Overlook, 1977 Monographic text 2- The Shepherd of Hermas, the martyrdom of Polycarp, the epistle to Diognetus Cambridge (Mass.) - Harvard University press ; London - Heinemann, 1976 It's a part of > The apostolic fathers - in two volumes / with an English translation by Kirsopp Lake Monographic text Sherwood Anderson - centennial studies / edited by Hilbert H. Campbell and Charles E. Modlin Troy, N.Y. - Whitston Publishing, 1976 Monographic text Sherwood Anderson - dimensions of his literary art - a collection of critical essays / edited by David D. Anderson East Lansing - Michigan State University press, c1976 Monographic text The Shock and vibration bulletin - a publication of the Shock and Vibration Information Center, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C (Washington) - Office of the Director of Defense Research and Engineering, 1964-1987 Magazine Shock and vibration handbook / edited by Cyril M. Harris and Charles E. Crede New York - McGraw-Hill, c1976 Monographic text The shock of recognition - the development of literature in the United States recorded by the men who made it / edited by Edmund Wilson New York - Octagon books Monographic text Shop rules and wage scales - contract for book and job work between Printers league section and New York typographical union, n. 6 - commencing october 4, 1975 (The place of publication is not referred - s.n. , (1975? Monographic text |