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Calinescu, Matei Faces of modernity - avant-garde, decadence, kitsch / Matei Calinescu Bloomington ; London - Indiana university press, c1977 Monographic text Calinger, Ronald Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - with an essay bu Leibniz on the german language / Ronald Calinger ; translated by Caryn and Bernhard Wunderlich Troy - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1976 Monographic text Calisher, Hortense The collected stories of Hortense Calisher New York - Arbor House, c1975 Monographic text Callaghan, Thomas A. U.S./European cooperation in military and civil technology / by Thomas A. Callaghan jr Washington - Center for strategic and international studies Georgetown University, c1975 Monographic text Callaham, Ludmilla Ignatiev Russian-English chemical and polytechnical dictionary / Ludmilla Ignatiev Callaham New York - Wiley, (1975) Monographic text Callahan, Harry Callahan / edited with an introduction by John Szarkowski New York - Aperture, c1976 Monographic text Callahan, Kirkwood M. Crime and corrections - a guide to action / by Kirkwood M. Callahan Athens - Institute of Government University of Georgia, 1975 Monographic text Callahan, Raymond The worst disaster - the fall of Singapore / Raymond Callahan Newark ; London - University of Delaware press - Associated University press, c1977 Monographic text Callender, John B. Middle Egyptian / By John B. Callender Malibu - Undena, 1975 Monographic text Callimachus Aetia ; Iambi ; Lyric poems ; Hecale Minor epic and elegiac poems-and other fragments / Callimachus ; text, translation and notes by C. A. Trypanis . Hero and Leander / Musaeus ; introduction, text and notes by Thomas Gelzer ; with an English translation by Cedric Whitman Cambridge, Mass. - Harvard Univ. Press ; London - Heinemann, 1975 Monographic text Callow, Alexander B. (iunior) American urban history - an interpretive reader with commentaries New York - Oxford university press, 1975 Monographic text Callow, Philip Son and lover - the young D. H. Lawrence / Philip Callow Chicago - Elephant paperbacks, c1975, stampa 1991 Monographic text CALMEIL, Louis-Florentin De la folie considérée sous le point de vue pathologique, historique et judiciaire - volumes 1. and 2. / Louis-Florentin Calmeil New York - Arno Press, 1976 Monographic text CALMEIL, Louis-Florentin De la paralysie considérée chez les aliénés / Louis Florentin Calmeil New York - Arno Press, 1976 Monographic text Calvert, Donald R. Speech and deafness - a text for learning and teaching / by Donald R. Calvert and S. Richard Silverman Washington - Alexander Graham Bell association for the deaf, c1975 Monographic text |