Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1975-1977

Page no. 1687 of 2436       

Jones, William Ezelle
Monumental silver- selections from the Gilbert collection - Los Angeles county museum of art, 28 april-10 july 1977 / William Ezelle Jones
Los Angeles ?Ca. - Museum associates of the Los Angeles county museum of art, c1977
Monographic text

Jones, William Henry Samuel
Malaria and Greek history / William Henry Samuel Jones
Monographic text

Jones, William Irvin
Planning and economic policy in Mali / thèse présentée a l'Université de Genève pour l'obtention du grade de Docteur ès sciences politiques par William Irvin Jones
Washington - Three continents press, 1976
Monographic text

Jones, William R.
Ten trails trips in Yosemite National Park / by William R. Jones
Olympic Valley - Outbooks, 1977
Monographic text

Jong, Erica
Here comes & other poems - originally published as Fruits & vegetables and Half-Lives ; including an interview with the author and selected prose / Erica Jong
New York - Signet book, 1975
Monographic text

Jong, Erica
How to save your own life - a novel / by Erica Jong
New York - New american library, 1977
Monographic text

Jong, Jan Willem - de
Notes on Prajñaparamita texts. 2, The Suvikrantavikramiparip?ccha / J. W. de Jong
(Berkeley - Berkeley Buddhist studies series, 1977
Monographic text

Jongeward, Dorothy
Affirmative action for women- a pratical guide for women and management / Dorothy Jongeward ; Dru Scott
Reading (Mass.) (etc.) - Addison-Wesley, 1977
Monographic text

Joplin, Janis
2- Early performances / Janis Joplin ; (produced by Paul A. Rothchild)
(USA) - Columbia, p1975
It's a part of > Janis ; Early performances / Janis Joplin
Audio recording

Joplin, Janis
1- Janis - (from the soundtrack of the motion picture Janis) / Janis Joplin ; (produced by Paul A. Rothchild)
(USA) - Columbia, p1975
It's a part of > Janis ; Early performances / Janis Joplin
Audio recording

Jordan Hospital Club (Plymouth)
The Jordan collection of New England cookery / produced by members of The Jordan Hospital Club
Kingston, Mass. - Pilgrim, c1976
Monographic text

Jordan, Anne Harwell
Cannon's bibliography of library economy, 1876-1920 - an author index with citations / edited by Anne Harwell Jordan and Melbourne Jordan
Metuchen - Scarecrow, 1976
Monographic text

Jordan, Borimir
The Athenian navy in the classical period - a study of Athenian naval administration and military organization in the Fifth and Fourth centuries b. C. / by Borimir Jordan
Berkeley - University of California press, c1975
Monographic text

Jordan, Donald A.
The northern expedition - China's national revolution of 1926-1928 / Donald A. Jordan
Honolulu - University Press of Hawaii, c1976
Monographic text

Jordan, John E.
Why the Lyrical ballads? - the background, writing, and character of Wordsworth's 1798 Lyrical ballads / by John E. Jordan
Berkeley ; London - University of California Press, 1976
Monographic text

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