Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1975-1977

Page no. 1765 of 2436       

Langa, Harry
Relative analgesia in dental practice - inhalation analgesia and sedation with nitrous oxide / Harry Langa
Philadelphia etc. - W. B. Saunders, c1976
Monographic text

Langacker, Ronald W.
Non-distinct arguments in Uto-Aztecan
Berkeley - University of California press, 1976
Monographic text

Langbaum, Robert
The mysteries of identity - a theme in modern literature / Robert Langbaum
New York - Oxford University Press, 1977
Monographic text

Langbein, John H.
Comparative criminal procedure - Germany / John H. Langbein
St. Paul - West Publishing, 1977
Monographic text

Langbein, John H.
Torture and the law of proof - Europe and England in the Ancien Regime / John H. Langbein
Chicago - the University of Chicago press, 1976
Monographic text

Langbein, John H.
Torture and the law of proof - Europe and England in the Ancien Regime / John H. Langbein
Chicago ; London - the University Chicago Press, 1977
Monographic text

Langbein, Walter B.
Hydrology and environmental aspects of Erie Canal (1817-99) / by W. B. Langbein
Washington - United States government printing office, 1976
Monographic text

Langdon, Merle K.
A sanctuary of Zeus on mount Hymettos / Merle K. Langdon
Princeton, N. J. - American school of classical studies at Athens
It's a part of > Hesperia. Supplements
Monographic text

Langdon, Steven
The emergence of the canadian working class movement, 1845-1875 / Steven Langdon
Toronto - New Hogtown press, 1975
Monographic text

Langefors, Borje
Information systems architecture / Borje Langefors and Bo Sundgren
New York - Petrocelli/Charter, 1975
Monographic text

Langenkamp, R.D.
Handbook of oil industry terms and phrases / by R.D. Langenkamp
Tulsa - Division of the Petroleum Publ. Co., 1977
Monographic text

Langer, Lawrence L.
The holocaust and the literary imagination / Lawrence L. Langer
New Haven ; London - Yale University Press , 1975
Monographic text

Langford James, Richard Lloyd
A dictionary of the Eastern Orthodox Church / with a preface by Joannes Gennadius
New York - B. Franklin, 1976
Monographic text

Langley, Lester D.
Struggle for the American Mediterranean - United States-European rivalry in the gulf-Caribbean, 1776-1904 / Lester D. Langley
Athens - The University of Georgia press, ©1976
Monographic text

Langman, Jan
Medical embryology - human development, normal and abnormal / Jan Langman ; illustrations by Jill Leland
Baltimore - Williams & Wilkins, 1975
Monographic text

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