Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1975-1977

Page no. 2417 of 2436       

World population conference (1974 ; Bucharest)
The population debate- dimensions and perspectives - papers of the World population conference, Bucharest, 1974
New York - United Nations, 1975
Monographic text

World population conference (1974 ; Bucharest)
Report of the United Nations World Population Conference, 1974, Bucharest, 19-30 August, 1974
New York - United Nations, 1975
Monographic text

Worrell, Estelle Ansley
Early American costume / Estelle Ansley Worrell
Harrisburg - Stackpole Books, 1975
Monographic text

Worsdall, Vivien
2- Managers, agents and the agency / Vivien Worsdall
New York ; London - Collier-Macmillan, 1976
It's a part of > Tourism
Monographic text

Worsdall, Vivien
Tourism - managers, agents, and the agency / Vivien Worsdall
New York - Macmillan Publishing Company - Collier Macmillan International ; London - Collier Macmillan Publishers, c1976
Monographic text

Worster, Donald
Nature's economy - a history of ecological ideas / Donald Worster
Cambridge etc. - Cambridge University Press, 1977
Monographic text

Worth, Dean S.
A bibliography of Russian word-formation / Dean S. Worth
Columbus, Ohio - Slavica publishers, 1977
Monographic text

Worth, Thomas
Basic for everyone / Thomas Worth
Englewood Cliffs - Prebtice Hall, 1976
Monographic text

Worthley, John A.
Public administration and legislatures - examination and exploration / John A. Worthley
Chicago - Nelson-Hall, c1976
Monographic text

Wortman, Richard S.
The Development of a russian legal consciousness / Richard S. Wortman
Chicago ; London - The University of Chicago Press, c1976
Monographic text

Wortman, Sterling
Food and agriculture
San Francisco - W. H. Freeman, c1976
Monographic text

Wrenn, Tony P.
America's forgotten architecture / by the National trust for historic preservation, Tony P. Wrenn and Elizabeth D. Mulloy
New York - Pantheon, c1976
Monographic text

Wrenn, Tony P.
Americas forgotten architecture / National trust for historic preservation, Tony P. Wrenn and Elizabeth D. Mulloy
New York - Pantheon books, c1976
Monographic text

Wrenn, Tony P.
Washington D. C. - walking tours / written by Tony P. Wrenn ; edited and produced by the Preservation press, National trust for historic preservation, Parks and history association
Washington - Preservation press, c1975
Monographic text

Wright, Barton
Hopi kachinas - the complete guide to collecting kachina dolls / by Barton Wright
(Flagstaff) - Northland, ©1977
Monographic text

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