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Grand Rapids - Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1979 It's a part of > The Expositor's Greek Testament / edited by the rev. W. Robertson Nicoll Monographic text Appalachia / Appalachian Mountain Club Boston - Appalachian Mountain Club, 1876- Magazine Appeal to reason - published weekly Girard Kansas - W.H. Wayland Magazine Appendices a l'annexe A New York - United Nations, 1978 It's a part of > Accord europeen relatif au transport international des marchandises dangereuses par route (ADR) et protocole de signature - en date, a Geneve, du 30 septembre 1957 / Commission economique pour l'Euro... Monographic text 2- Appendix vergiliana / revised by Vollmer and Morel New York & London - Garland, 1979 It's a part of > Poetae latini minores - in five volumes / Aemilius Baehrens Monographic text 4- Appendixes, bibliography, diagrams and indexes / Marshall Clagett Philadelphia - the American philosphical society, 1978 It's a part of > ?3- The ?fate of the Medieval Archimedes 1300 to 1565 / Marshall Clagett Monographic text Applicable analysis - an international journal New York - Gordon and Breach science publishers - (poi Taylor and Francis), 1971- Magazine Application of fracture mechanics to design / edited by John J. Burke and Volker Weiss New York and London - Plenum Press, 1979 Monographic text Application of science to the dating of works of art - proceedings of the seminar, September 23-25, 1974 / editor William J. Young ; conducted by the Research Laboratory, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts Boston - Museum of fine artes, c1978 Monographic text Application of solar technology to today's energy needs / Congress of the United states, Office of technology assessment Washington D. C. - a cura dell'A., 1978 Monographic text 2- Applications / R. S. Liptser, A. N. Shiriaev New York (etc.) - Springer Verlag, c1978 Monographic text 2- Applications and mechanical properties / edited by K. D. Timmerhaus and M. S. Barber New York and London - Plenum press, c1979 It's a part of > High pressure science and technology - 6. AIRAPT conference / edited by K. D. Timmerhaus and M. S. Barber Monographic text 3b.- Applications and non metals / D. M. R. Taplin New York, (and others) - Pergamon press, c1978 It's a part of > Advances in research on the strength and fracture of materials - 4. international conference on fracture June, 1977, university of Waterloo, Canada / ed. D.M.R. Taplin Monographic text Applications and use of transportation data Washington - National Research Council, Transportation Research Board, 1979 It's a part of > Transportation research record Monographic text Applications in manifacturing / Robert P. Ouellette, Fred Ellerbusch, Paul N. Cheremisinoff editors Ann Arbor, Mich. - Ann Arbor science, c1978 Monographic text |