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New York - Raven Press, c1979 Monographic text Congenital and acquired color vision defects / Joel Pokorny ... (and others) editors New York - Grune and Stratton, ©1979 Monographic text Congenital malformations of the spin and spinal cord Monographic text Congress and arms control / edited by Alan Platt and Lawrence D. Weiler Boulder, Colorado - Westview press, 1978 Monographic text Congress of arts and science / Universal Exposition Saint Louis 1(1905)- Magazine Congressional digest - an indipendent monthly featuring controversies in congress.. Washington DC - congressional digest co Magazine Congressional quarterly's guide to the US Supreme Court Washington - Congressional quarterly, 1979 Monographic text Connective tissue research - an international journal New York - Gordon and Breach science publishers, 1972- Magazine The connoisseur Philadelphia - (s.n.) Magazine Conrad Felixmüller 1897-1977 - prints and drawings from the collection of Dr. Ernst and Anne Fischer / exhibition organized by Angelika Schmiegelow Powell ; catalogue essays by Titus Felixmüller and Steven Schuyler Charlottesville (Virginia) - University of Virginia Art Museum, 1979 Monographic text Conradiana - a journal of Joseph Conrad studies Lubbock - Texas Tech university Magazine The conscience of the Victorian State / edited by Peter Marsh Syracuse ; New York - Syracuse University press, 1979 Monographic text The conscience of the Victorian state / edited by Peter Marsh Syracuse - Syracuse University Press, 1979 Monographic text Conscious-sedation in dental practice / (edited by) C. Richard Bennet Saint Louis - C. V. Mosby, 1978 Monographic text Consciousness and class experience in nineteenth-century Europe / edited by John M. Merriman New York ; London - Holmes & Meier Publishers, c1979 Monographic text |