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Honolulu - University Press of Hawaii, c1978 Monographic text Regina 25 years - 1953 to 1978 - an exhibition in honour of Reginas 75. anniversary - Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery, University of Regina, April 29 to May 28, 1978 Regina - Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery ; University of Regina, 1978? Monographic text Reginald Marsh - selections from the Felicia Meyer Marsh Bequest New York - Whitney museum of american art, c1979 Monographic text Regional anesthesia - journal of neural blockade in obstetrics, surgery, and pain control - official publication of the American and European Societies of regional anesthesia Philadelphia - published for the Societies by Lippincott, 1976-1997 Magazine 2.- Regional development - a supplement to the bibliography of materialsdealing with Brazil in the Land Tenure Center Library / compiled by the staffof the Land Tenure Center Library, (by) Teresa Anderson Madison - University of Wisconsin, Land Tenure Center Library, 1978 It's a part of > Agrarian reform in Brazil - a bibliography - a supplement to the bibliography of materials dealing with Brazil in the Land Tenure Center Library / compiled by the staff of the Land Tenure Center Libr... Monographic text Regional fellowship recipients- Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio / Michael Jones, ed Dayton - Fine Art Gallery at Wright State University, ©1979 Monographic text Regional growth and decline in the United States - the rise of the Sunbelt and the decline of the Northeast / Bernard L. Weinstein, Robert E. Firestine New York ; London - Praeger, 1978 Monographic text Regionalism and the United Nations / edited by Berhanykun Andemicael Dobbs Ferry - Oceana ; Alphen aan den Rijn - Sijthoff & Noordhoff, 1979 Monographic text Register of activities, Répertoire des plans d'activités Vol.3 - New York and Geneve - IYC Secretariat (Secretariat de l'AIE), 1979 Monographic text 1- Register of private document collections on the political history of South Africa since 1902 / ed. by O. Geyser, P.W. Coetzer, J.H. Le Roux Boston (Mass.) - G. K. Hall & Co., c1979 It's a part of > Bibliographies on south african political history Monographic text Register of the Spencer Museum of Art Lawrence - University of Kansas, 1978- Magazine Registry of toxic effects of chemical substances Hamilton - Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Magazine Reglement interieur des grandes commissions du Conseil du commerce et du developpement New York - Nations Unies, 1979 Monographic text Regulated children/liberated children - education in psychohistorical perspective / Barbara Finkelstein editor New York - Psychohistory press, c1979 Monographic text Regulation - AEI journal on gouverment and society Washington (D.C.), 1977- Magazine |