Page no. 194 of 1988 |
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Radnor (PA) - Chilton Book Company, c1981 Monographic text Between China and Iran - paintings from four Istanbul albums - a colloquy held 23-26 june 1980 / edited by Ernst J. Grube and Eleonor Sims New York - The Islamic Art Foundation, (1980? Monographic text Between continents/between seas - precolumbian art of Costa Rica / text by Suzanne Abel-Vidor ... and others ; photographs by Dirk Bakker New York - Harry N. Abrams ; Detroit - the Detroit institute of arts, 1981 Monographic text Beyond Color - San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, January 11-February 24, 1980 San Francisco - Museum of Modern Art, ©1979 Monographic text Beyond ego - transpersonal dimensions in psychology / edited by Roger N. Walsh and Frances Vaughan Los Angeles - J. P. Tarcher, ©1980 Monographic text Beyond nobility- art for the private citizen in the early renaissance - Allentown Art museum, september 28, 1980 through january 4, 1981 / (edited by) Ellen Callmann Allentown - Allentown Art museum, c1980 Monographic text Beyond PR - marketing for libraries / Joseph Eisner Monographic text Beyond the myths of culture - essays in cultural materialism / edited by Eric B. Ross New York - etc. - Academis Press, c1980 Monographic text Beyond their sex - learned women of the european past / edited by Patricia H. Labalme New York ; London - New York University Press, c1980 Monographic text Bhagavadgita in the Mahabharata / text and translation (by J. A. B. van Buitenen Chicago ; London - University of Chicago press, 1981 Monographic text Bhojpuri grammar / Shaligram Shukla Washington (D.C.) - Georgetown University press, c1981 Monographic text The Bible today - a periodical promoting popular appreciation of the world of God Collegeville - The liturgical press, 1962- Magazine The Bible world - essays in honor of Cyrus H. Gordon / edited by Gary Rendsburg ... (and others) New York - KTAV Publ. House - Institute of hebrew culture and education at New York University, 1980 Monographic text Biblical archaeologist - a publication of the American school of oriental research Baltimore - John Hopkins university press forthe American school of oriental research, 1938 -1997 Magazine Biblical Research. Papers of the Chicago Society of Biblical Research Chicago - Chicago Society of Biblical Research, 1957- Magazine |