Page no. 759 of 1988 |
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Glenview - Scott, Foresman and C Monographic text The sege off Melayne ; The romance of duke Rowland and sir Otwell of Spagne ; The song of Roland / edited by Sidney J. Herrtage Millwood, N. Y. - Kraus reprint Monographic text Seifert and Threlfall - a textbook of topology / H. Seifert and W. Threlfall ; translated by Michael A. Goldman . Seifert - topology of 3-dimensional fibered spaces / H. Seifert ; translated by Wolfgang Heil ; all edited by Joan S. Birman and Julian Eisner New York etc. - Academic press, 1980 Monographic text Seismic wave attenuation / edited by M. Nafi Toksoz and David H. Johnston Tulsa - Society of exploration geophysicists, 1981 Monographic text Selbyana Sarasota (Florida) Magazine Selecta mathematica Sovietica Boston - Birkhauser, 1981-1992 Magazine Selected methods in cellular immunology / edited by Barbara B. Mishell and Stanley M. Shiigi New York - W. H. Freeman and Co., c1980 Monographic text The Selected poetry of Pope / edited and with an introduction by Martin Price New York (etc.) - New American Library, 1980 Monographic text Selected powder diffraction data for minerals - data book - supplement 1. / compiled by the JCPDS Swarthmore - (s.n.), 1981 Monographic text Selected reports in ethnomusicology Los Angeles - University of California, Department of ethnomusicology and systematic musicology. Magazine 1- Selected stars, epoch 1985.0 / Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic-Topographic Center Washington - For sale by Sale Agents of the Defense Mapping Agency Office of Distribution Services, 1981 It's a part of > Sight reduction tables for air navigation / Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic-Topographic Center Monographic text Selected studies of Archean gneisses and Lower Proterozoic rocks, southern Canadian Shield / edited by G. B. Morey, Gilbert N. Hanson Boulder (CO) - The geological society of America, c1980 It's a part of > Special paper / Geological Society of America Monographic text Selected studies on energy - background papers for energy, the next twenty years / edited by Hans H. Landsberg Cambridge, MA - Ballinger, 1980 Monographic text Selected topics in cardiac arrhythmias / editor- Benjamin Befeler ; associate editors- Ralph Lazzara, Benjamin J. Scherlag Mount Kisco, N.Y. - Futura Publishing Company, 1980 Monographic text Selected topics in exercise cardiology and rehabilitation / edited by A. Raineri, J. J. Kellermann and V. Rulli New York ; London - Plenum press, c1980 Monographic text |