Page no. 558 of 1983 |
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New York - Thieme -Stratton, 1983 Monographic text Language in primates - perspectives and implications / edited by Judith de Luce, Hugh T. Wilder New York etc. - Springer-Verlag, c1983 Monographic text Language mind and brain / edited by Thomas W. Simon, Robert J. Scholes Hillsdale (N.J.) - L. Erlbaum associates, 1982 Monographic text The language of children reared in poverty - implications for evaluation and intervention / edited by Lynne Feagans, Dale Clark Farran New York (etc.) - Academic Press, 1982 Monographic text The Language of Difference - writing in Quebec / ed. Ralph Sarkonak New Haven & London - Yale University press, 1985 Monographic text Language problems & language planning Austin - University of Texas, 1980- Magazine Language sciences / Indiana University, Research Center for the language sciences Bloomington - Research Center for the language sciences Magazine Language spread - studies in diffusion and social change / edited by Robert L. Cooper Bloomington - Indiana University press in cooperation with the Center for applied linguistics, Washington, c1982 Monographic text Language transfer in language learning / editors Susan M. Gass, Larry Selinker Rowley, Mass. etc. - Newbury house, 1983 Monographic text Language, gender and society / edited by Barrie Thorne, Cheris Kramarae, Nancy Henley Rowley (etc.) - Newbury house, 1983 Monographic text 2- Language, thought and culture / edited by Stan A. Kuczaj Hillsdale (N.J.) - Lawrence Erlbaum, 1982 It's a part of > Language development / edited by Stan A. Kuczaj Monographic text Languages and linguistics, working papers Washington - Georgetown university press, c1970- Magazine Il Lanternino - the small lantern - Italian weekly newspaper Camden - s.n. Magazine Large space systems technology-1981 - third annual technical review held at Nasa Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, November 16-19, 1981 / compiled by William J. Boyer Washington, D.C. - National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1982 Monographic text Large-scale energy models - prospects and potential Boulder - Westview, 1983 Monographic text |