Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1982-1983

Page no. 656 of 1983       

Nuclear technology/fusion - a journal of the American Nuclear Society and the European Nuclear Society
La Grange Park (Ill.) - ANS, 1981-1984

Nuclear weapons in Europe - modernization and limitation / edited by Marsha McGraw Olive, Jeffrey D. Porro
Lexington etc. - Lexington books, c1983
Monographic text

Nucleases / edited by Stuart M. Linn, Richard J. Roberts
Cold Spring Harbor - Cold Spring Harbor laboratory, 1982
Monographic text

Nucleation, growth and impurity effects in crystallization process engineering / Mary Anne Farrell Epstein, editor
New York - American institute of chemical engineers, 1982
Monographic text

15- Nucleic acids. Part B
New York ?etc.? - Academic press, 1982
It's a part of > The enzymes / edited by Paul D. Boyer, Henry Lardy, Karl Myrback
Monographic text

Nucleonics week
New York - McGraw Hill, (1960 -

Nucleosides & nucleotides - an international journal for rapid communication
Philadelphia, Pa. - Taylor & Francis, 1982-1999

Number theory related to Fermat's last theorem - proceedings of the conference sponsored by the Vaughn Foundation / Neal Koblitz, editor
Boston - Birkhäuser, 1982
Monographic text

Number theory related to Fermats last theorem - proceedings of the conference sponsored by the Vaughn foundation / Neal Koblitz, editor
Boston etc. - Birkhauser, 1982
Monographic text

1- Numeric Index
Skokie(Ill., USA) - College of American Pathologists, 1982, stampa 1987
It's a part of > Systematized nomenclature of medicine / College of the American Pathologists ; editor-in-chief Roger A. Cote
Monographic text

The numerical analysis problem solver / staff of Research and education association, M. Fogiel, director
New York - Research and education association, 1983
Monographic text

Numerical and physical aspects of aerodynamic flows / edited by Tuncer Cebeci
New York - Springer, c1982
Monographic text

Numerical functional analysis and optimization
Vol.1, n.1(1979)-

Numerical heat transfer - an international journal of computation and methodology
Washington - Hemisphere, 1978-1988

Numerical properties and methodologies in heat transfer - proceedings of the 2. national symposium / edited by T. M. Shih
Washington (etc.) - Hemisphere, c1983
Monographic text

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