Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1982-1983

Page no. 1054 of 1983       

British and Foreign Bible Society - Library (London)
Historical catalogue of the printed editions of Holy Scripture in the library of the British and Foreign Bible Society / compiled by T. H. Darlow and H. F. Moule
New York - Kraus Reprint Corp., 1963-
Monographic text

Brittin, Norman A.
Edna St. Vincent Millay / by Norman A. Brittin
Boston - Twayne Publishers, c1982
Monographic text

Britton, James
Prospect and retrospect / selected essays of James Britton ; edited by Gordon M. Pradl
Montclair (N.J.) - Boynton - Cook, 1982
Monographic text

Britton, Scott G.
Construction engineering in underground coal mines / Scott G. Britton
New York - Society of mining engineers of AIME, 1983
Monographic text

Britton, Wray
Conjugate duality and the exponential Fourier spectrum / Wray Britton
New York (etc.)- Springer-Verlag, c1983
Monographic text

Broad, William
Betrayers of the truth / W. Broad, N. Wade
New York - Touchstone Book, 1982
Monographic text

Brocas, Jean
The permutational approach to dynamic stereochemistry / Jean Brocas, Marcel Gielen, Rudi, Willem
New York - Mc Graw-Hill International, 1983
Monographic text

Brock, David Heyward
A Ben Jonson companion / D. Heyward Brock
Bloomington, Ind. - Indiana University Press ; Brighton - The Harvester Press, 1983
Monographic text

Brock, Thomas D.
Membrane Filtration / Thomas D. Brock
Madison (Wisconsin) - Science Tech ; Berlin (ecc.) - Springer, 1983
Monographic text

Brockett, Oscar Gross
History of the theatre / Oscar G. Brockett
Boston - Allyn and Bacon, 1982
Monographic text

Broda, E.
Ludwig Boltzmann - Man, physicist, philosopher / E. Broda
Woodbridge CT - Ox-Bow Press, c1983
Monographic text

Brode, Douglas
The films of Dustin Hoffman / by Douglas Brode
Secaucus, N.J. - Citadel press, c1983
Monographic text

Broderick, Laurie L.
Riprap stability scale effects / Laurie L. Broderick and John P. Ahrens
Fort Belvoir - U. S. Army Coastal Engineering Research Center , 1982
Monographic text

Brodie, Ivor
The physics of microfabrication / Ivor Brodie and Julius J. Muray
New York ; London, c 1982
Monographic text

Brodsky, Stanley L.
Handbook of scales for research in crime and delinquency / Stanley L. Brodsky and H. O'Neal Smitherman
New York ; London - Plenum, c1983
Monographic text

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