Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1982-1983

Page no. 1489 of 1983       

Lawrence, James F.
12- High-performance liquid chromatography of pesticides / James F. Lawrence
New York ; London - Academic press, 1982
It's a part of > Analytical methods for pesticides, plant growth regulators and food additives / edited by Gunter Zweig
Monographic text

Lawrence, John F.
Family Cerylonidae / by J. F. Lawrence ; prepared by Agricultural Research Service
Washington - United States Department of Agriculture, 1982
It's a part of > A catalog of the Coleoptera of America North of Mexico / United States Department of agriculture
Monographic text

Lawrence, John F.
Family Ciidae / by J. F. Lawrence ; prepared by Agricultural Research Service
Washington - United States Department of Agriculture, 1982
It's a part of > A catalog of the Coleoptera of America North of Mexico / United States Department of agriculture
Monographic text

Lawrence, John F.
Family Languriidae / by J. F. Lawrence ; prepared by Agricultural Research Service
Washington - United States Department of Agriculture, 1983
It's a part of > A catalog of the Coleoptera of America North of Mexico / United States Department of agriculture
Monographic text

Lawrence, Mary
Lovers - 100 works of art celebrating romantic love, with commentaries by the distinguished and the great / compiled by Mary Lawrence ; foreword by Sophia Loren
New York - A & W Publishers, c1982
Monographic text

Lawrence, Paul R.
Renewing american industry - organizing for efficiency and innovation / Paul R. Lawrence, Davis Dyer
New York - Free Press ; London - Collier MacMillan, c1983
Monographic text

Lawry, Steven W.
Land tenure, land policy, and smallholder livestock development in Botswana / by Steven W. Lawry
Madison - University of Wisconsin, 1983
Monographic text

Lawson, Chester A.
Programed genetics / Chester A. Lawson, Mary Alice Burmester
Boston - D.C. Heath and Company, c1963-
Monographic text

Lawson, Fred Haley
Social origins of aggressive foreign policy - the case of Muhammad Alis Egypt, 1800-1835 / by Fred Haley Lawson
Ann Arbor - UMI, 1982
Monographic text

Lawson, Vija Rumpe
The acta fratrum arvalium as a source for Roman imperial history- 23 b.C. to a.D. 243 / Vija Rumpe Lawson
Monographic text

Lawson, William
3- A new orchard and garden / William Lawson . Knots for gardens / John Marriott . A treatise of fruit-trees together with The spirituall use of an orchard / Ralph Austen
New York ; London - Garland, 1982
It's a part of > The English landscape garden - examples of the important literature of English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt
Monographic text

Lawton, Richard
Grand illusions / by Richard Lawton with a text by Hugo Leckey
New York - Harmony, 1983
Monographic text

Laxson, Ruth
Earth score / Ruth Laxson
Atlanta - s. n. , ©1983
Monographic text

Lay, Steven R.
Convex sets and their applications / Steven R. Lay
New York etc. - Wiley, c1982
Monographic text

Lazarsfeld, Paul F.
The varied sociology of Paul L. Lazarsfeld / Paul Felix Lazarsfeld ; writings collected and edited by Patricia L. Kendall
New York - Columbia Univ. Press, 1982
Monographic text

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