Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1984-1985

Page no. 229 of 2107       

Byzantine studies
Pittsburgh - University Center for International Studies, 1974-

Byzantine studies in honor of Milton V. Anastos / edited by Speros Vryonis jr
Malibu - Undena publications, 1985
Monographic text

Byzantium - church, society and civilization seen through contemporary eyes / edited by Deno John Geanakoplos
Chicago ; London - University of Chicago Press, ©1984
Monographic text

Bárđar saga / edited and translated by Jón Skaptason and Phillip Pulsiano
New York ; London - Garland publishing, 1984
Monographic text

1- Balaka??a / introduction and translation by Robert P. Goldman ; annotation by Robert P. Goldman and Sally J. Sutherland
Princeton - Princeton university press, ©1984
It's a part of > The Ramayana of Valmiki - an epic of ancient India
Monographic text

C / edited by Dawon Kahng
Orlando etc. - Academic press, 1985
It's a part of > Silicon integrated circuits / edited by Dawon Kahng
Monographic text

The C programming tutor / Leon A. Wortman, Thomas O. Sidebottom
Englewood Cliffs (etc.) - Prentice/Hall International, c1984
Monographic text

Cad - principles and applications / Paul C. Barr ... (and others)
Englewood Cliffs - Prentice-Hall, c1985
Monographic text

Cahiers linguistiques d'Ottawa
Ottawa - Université d'Ottawa. Département de linguistique, 1971-

CALA newsletter / Community action on Latin America
Madison - Community action on Latin America

Calcified tissue abstracts / compiled by Cambridge scientific abstracts in association with the Medical research council, Mineral metabolism unit, Leeds, England (Dec. 1984-Sept. 1987)
London - Information retreival ltd., 1969-©1993

Calcified tissue international - the official journal of the European calcified tissue society
New York (etc. - Springer international, 1979-

Calcium and cell function / edited by Wai Yiu Cheung
New York (etc. - Academic press, 1980-1984
Monographic text

Calcium and contractility - smooth muscle / edited by A. K. Grover and E. E. Daniel
Clifton, New Jersey - Humana, c1985
Monographic text

Calcium and its role in biology / edited by Helmut Sigel, with the assistance of Astrid Sigel
New York ; Basel - Marcel Dekker, c1984
It's a part of > Metal ions in biological systems
Monographic text

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