Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1984-1985

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The call of India / Franciscan TOR Mission of India
Loretto (PA) - TOR, 1942-1956

Callaloo - a journal of African-American and African arts and letters
Baltimore - The John Hopkins university press

Calmodulin antagonists and cellular physiology / edited by Hiroyoshi Hidaka, David J. Hartshorne
Orlando etc. - Academic press, 1985
Monographic text

The Calov Bible of J. S. Bach / edited by Howard H. Cox
Ann Arbor - UMI research press, ©1985
Monographic text

Cambridge Chronicle
Cambridge Massachussets - (s.n.)

The Cambridge encyclopedia of life sciences / general editors Adrian Friday, David S. Ingram
Cambridge (etc. - Cambridge University press, 1985
Monographic text

Cambridge scientific biochemistry abstracts. Part 1, Biological membranes
Bethesda, MD - Cambridge scientific abstracts, (©1985-

Cambridge scientific biochemistry abstracts. Part 2, Nucleic acids
Bethesda (MD) - Cambridge scientific abstracts, (©1985-©1994

Cambridge scientific biochemistry abstracts. Part 3, Aminoacids, peptides & proteins
Bethesda (MD) - Cambridge scientific abstracts, (©1985-

The camera magazine
Baltimore - The camera inc

Camera Obscura - A journal of feminism and film theory
Berkeley - Camera Obscura Collective, 1976-

Camoniana californiana - commemorating the quadricentennial of the death of Luis Vaz de Camoes - proceedings of the Colloquium held at the University of California, Santa Barbara, April 25 and 26, 1980 / edited by Maria de Lourdes Belchior and Enrique Martinez-Lopez
Santa Barbara - Jorge de Sena Center for Portuguese studies University of California, 1985
Monographic text

Campbell's creative cooking with soup
Lincolnwood (Illinois) - Publications International, c1985
Monographic text

Campylobacter infection in man and animals / editor Jean-Paul Butzler
Boca Raton - CRC Press, 1984
Monographic text

Can Rolant - the medieval Welsh version of the Song of Roland / Annalee C. Rejhon
Berkeley (etc.) - University of California press, c1984
Monographic text

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