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New York - MacMillan publishing ; London - Colier MacMillan, c1985 Monographic text 2- Earth sciences ; Energy ; Environmental sciences new York - Grolier, 1984 It's a part of > The new book of popular science Monographic text 15- Earth sciences anthropology Ann Arbour Mich. - UMI, 1984 It's a part of > Comprehensive dissertation index - ten-year cumulation, 1973-1982 Monographic text Earthquake effects on reinforced concrete structures - U.S., Japan research / James K. Wight, editor Detroit - American concrete institute, c1985 Monographic text Earthquake notes / Seismological Society of America, Eastern Section Berkeley (Cal.) - MIT Graphic Arts Services, 1929-1986 Magazine Earthquake spectra - the professional journal of the Earthquake engineering research institute Berkeley, Ca. - EERI Magazine East central Europe Bakersfield - Arizona State University, 1974- Magazine East Central European Society and War in the Era of Revolutions - 1775-1856 / Béla K. Kiraly editor New York - Brooklyn College Press, c1984 Monographic text East Cretan white-on-dark ware - studies on a hand-made pottery of the early to Middle Minoan periods / a cura di P. P. Betancourt Monographic text East Europe - a monthly review of East European affairs New York, 1957- Magazine East European economic assessment - a compendium of papers submitted to the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States Washington - U.S. Government printing office, 1981-19 Monographic text East Side Review - a magazine of contemporary culture New York - East Side Press Inc., 1966.- 28 cm. Magazine Vol. 2- East Slavic / edited by Riccardo Picchio and Harvey Goldblatt ; assistant editor Susanne Fusso New Haven - Yale concilium on international and area studies, 1984 It's a part of > Aspects of the Slavic language question Monographic text East-south trade - economics and politic al economy / edited with an introduction by Marvin R. Jackson Armonk, N.Y. - M.E. Sharpe, 1985 It's a part of > Soviet and eastern European foreign trade - a journal of translations Monographic text The East-West journal New York - East-West institute, 1958- Magazine |