Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1984-1985

Page no. 1538 of 2107       

Klever, Eva
Fondues from around the world - Nearly 200 recipes for fish, cheese and meat fondues, oriental hot pots, tempura, sukiyaki, dessert fondues / Eva and Ulrich Klever
Woodbury, N.Y. - Barron's, 1984
Monographic text

Klibansky, Raymond
The continuity of the platonic tradition during the Middle Ages - with a new preface and four supplementary chapters ; together with Plato's Parmenides in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance - with a new introductory preface / by Raymond Klibansky
Millwood - Kraus, 1984
Monographic text

Klieger, Douglas M.
Computer usage for social scientists / Douglas M. Klieger
Boston - Allyn and Bacon, 1984
Monographic text

Klima, J. George
The Barabaig - East African Cattle-Herders / by George J. Klima
Prospect Heights (Illinois) - Waverland Press, 1985
Monographic text

Klimkiewicz, George Chris
Earthquake ground motion attenuation models for the Northeastern United States / by George C. Klimkiewicz
Ann Arbor - University Microfilms intern., 1984
Monographic text

Kline, Morris
Mathematics and the search for knowledge / Morris Kline
New York - Oxford University press, 1985
Monographic text

Kline, Morris
Mathematics for the nonmathematician / Morris Kline
New York - Dover, 1985
Monographic text

Kline, Tilde S.
Prostate / Tilde S. Kline
New York, N.Y. ; Tokyo, JP - Igaku-Shoin, (©1985
Monographic text

Kling, Bill
Framework - a developer's handbook / (Forefront Corporation and Bill Kling)
Culver City, CA - Ashton-Tate Pub. Group, c1985
Monographic text

Klingensmith, Patricia J.
Easy access to DIALOG, ORBIT, and BRS / Patricia J. Klingensmith, Elizabeth E. Duncan
Monographic text

Klinger, Julius (1876-1950)
Ornamental motifs in the Art nouveau style - 422 authentic full-color designs / Julius Klinger and Hans Anker
New York - Dover, c1985
Monographic text

Klinger, Julius (1876-1950)
The woman in art nouveau decoration - 141 full-color designs / Julius Klinger
New York - Dover Publications inc., c1985
Monographic text

Klinghoffer, Arthur Jay
Israel and the Soviet Union - alienation or reconciliation? / Arthur Jay Klinghoffer ; with Judith Apter
Boulder ; London - Westview, 1985
Monographic text

Klinkowitx, Jerome
The self-apparent word - fiction as language/language as fiction / Jerome Klinkowitz
Carbondale - Southern Illinois University Press, c1984
Monographic text

Klinkowitz, Jerome
Literary subversions - new American fiction and the pratice of criticism / Jerome Klinkowitz
Carbondale ; Edwardsville - Southern Illinois university press, c1985, stampa 1988
Monographic text

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