Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1984-1985

Page no. 1542 of 2107       

Koch, Edward I.
Politics / Edward I. Koch, with William Rauch
New York - Simon and Schuster, c1985
Monographic text

Koch, Peter
Utilization of hardwoods growing on southern pine sites / Peter Koch
Washington - U.S. Department od Agriculture Forest Service, 1985
Monographic text

Kochakian, Charles D.
How it was - Anabolic action of steroids and remembrances / Charles D. Kochskisn
Birmingham - The University of Alabama School of Medicine, c1984
Monographic text

Kochan, Lionel
The Jew and his history / Lionel Kochan
Chico (CA) - Scholars Press, 1985
Monographic text

Kochan, Stephen G.
Exploring the UNIX system / Stephen G. Kochan and Patrick H. Wood
Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey - Hayden Book, copyr. 1984
Monographic text

Kochan, Stephen G.
UNIX shell programming / Stephen G. Kochan and Patrick H. Wood
Hasbrouck Heights (N.J) °etc. - Hayden Book, c1985
Monographic text

Kochan, Thomas A.
Human resource management and industrial relations - text, readings and cases / Thomas A. Kochan, Thomas A. Barocci
Boston ; Toronto - Little, Brown and Co. , 1985
Monographic text

Kochan, Thomas A.
Worker Participation and American Unions - Threat or Opportunity? / Thomas A. Kochan, Harry C. Katz, Nancy R. Mower
Kalamazoo (Mich.) - W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 1984
Monographic text

Kockelmans, Joseph J.
Heidegger and science / Joseph J. Kockelmans
Washinghton - Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology - University Press of America, 1985
Monographic text

Kockelmans, Joseph J.
On the truth of being - reflections on Heidegger's later philosophy / Joseph J. Kockelmans
Bloomington - Indiana University Press, (1984)
Monographic text

Koelb, Clayton
The incredulous reader - literature and the function of disbelief / Clayton Koelb
Ithaca and London - Cornell university press, 1984
Monographic text

Koenig, Fredrick
Rumor in the marketplace - the social psychology of commercial hearsay / Fredrick Koenig
Dover, Mass. - Auburn House Pub. Co., c1985
Monographic text

Koester, Ulrich
The Common Agricultural Policy of the European Community - a blessing or a curse for developing countries? / Ulrich Koester, Malcolm D. Bale
Washington - The world bank, 1984
Monographic text

Koestler, Arthur
The watersched - a biography of Johannes Kepler / Arthur Koestler ; with a foreword by John Durston
Lanham ; New York ; London - University press os America, 1985
Monographic text

Koffman, Elliot B.
Problem Solving in Structured BASIC-PLUS and VAX-11 BASIC / Elliot B. Koffman, Frank L. Friedman
Reading (etc.) - Addison-Wesley, 1984
Monographic text

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