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Tk solver - the easy way / Robert and Linda Labenski New York (etc.) - McGraw-Hill, 1985 Monographic text Labuszewski, John W. Inside the commodity option markets / John Labuszewski, Jeanne Cairns Sinquefield New York ?etc.? - J. Wiley, 1985 Monographic text Labuz, Ronald How to typeset from a word processor - an interfacing guide / Ronald Labuz New York ; London - R.R. Bowker, 1984 Monographic text Labuza, Theodore P. Moisture sorption - practical aspects of isotherm measurement and use / Theodore P. Labuza St. Paul, Minn - American Association of Cereal Chemists, c1984 Monographic text Labys, Walter C. Commodity models for forecasting and policy analysis / Walter C. Labys & Peter K. Pollack London ; Sydney - Croom Helm ; New York - Nichols Publishing company, c1984 Monographic text LaCapra, Dominick History & criticism / Dominick La Capra Ithaca - Cornell University press, c1985 Monographic text LaCapra, Dominick History e criticism / Dominik LaCapra Ithaca ; London - Cornell University press, c1985 Monographic text Lachenman, Daniel M. Heidegger and the origin of the logical / Daniel M. Lachenman ?The place of publication is not referred? - Ann Arbor - Univ. Microfilm International, 1985 Monographic text Lachs, W.R. Insecure system reactive power balance analysis and counter measures / W.R. Lachs Piscataway - IEEE, 1985 Monographic text Lackey, Douglas P. Moral principles and nuclear weapons / Douglas P.Lackey Totowa - Rowman & Allanheld, 1984 Monographic text Lacks, Patricia bender gestalt screening for brain dysfunction / Patricia Lacks New York ( etc. ) - Wiley and Sons, c1984 Monographic text Lacouture, Jean Pierre Mendes France / Jean Lacouture ; translated by George Holoch New York ; London - Holmes & Meier, 1984 Monographic text Lacroix, Richard L. J. Integrated rural development in Latin America / Richard L. J. Lacroix Washington - World Bank, 1985 Monographic text LACUS Forum (11. ; 1984 ; Ithaca) The eleventh LACUS forum 1984 / edited by Robert A. Hall jr Columbia, South Carolina - Horbeam press, c1985 Monographic text Lacy, Edward A. Protecting electronic equipment from electrostatic discharge / by Edard A. Lacy Blue Ridge Summit, P.A. - Tab Books, c1984 Monographic text |