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Von Mises, Ludwig Omnipotent government - the rise of the total state and total war / Ludwig von Mises Spring Mills - Libertarian press, 1985 Monographic text Von Mises, Ludwig Theory and history / Ludwig von Mises New Yrok ; London - Garland, 1984 Monographic text Von Neumann, John (1903-1957) Functional operators / by John von Neumann Princeton - Princeton University Press Monographic text Von Noorden, Gunter K. Binocular vision and ocular motility - theory and management of strabismus / Gunter K. Von Noorden St. Louis (etc.) - Mosby, 1985 Monographic text Von Welanetz, Paul L.A. cuisine - the new culinary spirit - recipes and menus from the celebrated chefs of Los Angeles / Diana and Paul von Welanetz Los Angeles - J.P. Tarcher ; Boston - distribuited by Houghton Mifflin Co., c1985 Monographic text Vonnegut, Kurt Cats cradle / Kurt Vonnegut New York - Dell books, 1984 Monographic text Vonnegut, Kurt Galapagos - a novel / by Kurt Vonnegut New York - Delacorte Press/Seymour, 1985 Monographic text Vorenberg, James 1985 supplement to criminal law and procedure - cases and materials / by James Vorenberg St. Paul - West, 1985 Monographic text Vorobev, Nikolai Nikolaevic Game theory - lectures for economists and systems scientists. / Nikolai Nikolaevich Vorob'ev New York - Springer Verlag, 1985 Monographic text Vos, Nelvin Seven days a week- faith in action / Nelvin Vos Philadelphia - Fortress press, 1985 Monographic text Voss, Clifford I. A finite-element simulation model for saturated-unsaturated - fluid-density-dependent groundwater flow with energy transport pr chemically-reactive single-species solute transport / Clifford I. Voss Reston (Virginia) - U.S. Geological Survey ; Tyndall (Florida) - U.S. Air Force Engineering and Services Center, 1984 It's a part of > U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigation Report Monographic text Voulkos, Peter Peter Voulkos - the Faith and Charity in Hope Gallery, August 1984, Hope, Idaho U.S.A Hope - The Faith And Charity in Hope Gallery, 1984 Monographic text Voydanoff, Patricia Work and family - changing roles of men and women / edited by Patricia Voydanoff Palo Alto (CA) - Mayfield, 1984 Monographic text Vries, Jan - de European urbanization, 1500-1800 / Jan de Vries Cambridge, - Harvard University Press, 1984 Monographic text Vu, My T. World population projections 1984 - short- and long-term estimates by age and sex with related demographic statistics / My T. Vu Washington, D.C. - The World Bank, c1984 Monographic text |