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It's a part of > Proceedings of the 8. Annual Conference of the IEEE/Engineering in medicine and biology Society - The Worthington Hotel-Fort Worth, Texas USA, November 7-10, 1986 / edited by George V. Kondraske and ... Monographic text (Richardson) - Society of petroleum engineers, c1986 It's a part of > SPE/DOE 5. symposium on enhanced oil recovery - proceedings - April 20-23, 1986, Tulsa, Oklahoma Monographic text Boca Raton - CRC press, c1986 It's a part of > Fat absorption / editor Arnis Kuksis Monographic text New York ; London - W. W. Norton, c1986 It's a part of > The Norton anthology of English literature / M. H. Abrams, general editor Monographic text El Cerrito - EERI, c1986 It's a part of > Proceedings of the third US national conference on earthquake engineering - Charleston, South Carolina August 24-28 1986 Monographic text Washington - National Academy Press, 1986 It's a part of > Criminal careers and "career criminals" / Alfred Blumstein ... (et al.) editors Monographic text Frederick, Md. - University publications of America, 1986 It's a part of > Vietnam and Southeast Asia. Supplement / United States, Central Intelligence Agency Monographic text Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. - Oceana, 1986-1987 It's a part of > ISR - International securities regulation / edited by Robert C. Rosen Monographic text Indianapolis - AT & T, c1986 It's a part of > System 5 interface definition Monographic text New York ; London - Garland publishing, 1986 It's a part of > A new spirit of the age / edited by R.H. Horne Monographic text New York - American institute of aeronautics and astronautics, c1986 It's a part of > ICAS proceedings 1986 - 15. Congress of the International council of the aeronautical sciences - 7-12 September 1986, London, UK / edited by P. Santini and R. Staufenbiel Monographic text (The place of publication is not referred) - Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories, Flight Dynamics Laboratory, 1986 It's a part of > Damping 1986 proceedings - summary report for period February 1984 - February 1986 / (Lynn Rogers, editor) Monographic text Piscataway - IEEE, 1987 It's a part of > IEEE international conference on robotics and automation - proceedings - 1987 - March 31- April 3, 1987 - Radisson Hotel and Raleigh Civic Center, Raleigh, North Carolina Monographic text Detroit - Gale Research Company, 1987 It's a part of > Directory of special libraries and information centers - a guide to more than 18.000 special libraries, research libraries, information centers, archives and data centers maintained by government age... Monographic text Hakensak - s. n. , 1987 It's a part of > Tradicite, ustoi na naroda / Ivan Barev Monographic text |