Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1986-1987

Page no. 519 of 2272       

Incentives and economic systems - proceedings of the eight Arne Ryde Symposium, Frostvallen, 29-27 august 1985 / edited by Stefan Hedlund
New York - New York University Press, 1987
Monographic text

Incentives, cooperation and risk sharing - economic and psychological perspectives on employment contracts / Edited with an introductory essay by Haig R. Nalbantian
Totowa - Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, c1987
Monographic text

A- Incidence and etiology / editors Baldev K. Vig, Avery A. Sandberg
New York (NY) - Alan R. Liss, (©1987
It's a part of > Aneuploidy / editors Baldev K. Vig, Avery A. Sandberg
Monographic text

Inco magazine / International nickel company
New York - International nickel company, 1920-

Income tax reform and agriculture - a symposium / United States Department of Agriculture
Washington - USDA, 1986
Monographic text

Incommensurate crystals, liquid crystals, and quasi-crystals / edited by J. F. Scott and N. A. Clark
New York and London - Plenum press, c1987
Monographic text

Incompressible aerodynamics - an account of the theory and observation of the steady flow of incompressible fluid past aerofoils, wings, and other bodies / edited by Bryan Thwaites
New York - Dover, 1987
Monographic text

Incredibly strange films
San Francisco - Search Publications, c1986
Monographic text

Independence on trial - foreign affairs and the making of the Constitution / Frederick W. Marks
Lanham ... (etc.) - SR, c1986
Monographic text

The Independent - a weekly magazine
New York - s.n., s.d

The Independent - Film & Video Monthly
New York - Foundation for indipendent Video and Film, Inc

Independent journal of philosophy
United States - George Elliot Tucker, 1977-.

Index / by The Publisher's Editorial Staff
Rochester (New York) - The Lawyers co-operative publishing co., 1987
It's a part of > Cumulative supplement issued July, 1987 / by the Publisher's editorial Staff
Monographic text

Index - a product of the Cooperative engineering program
Warrendale - Society of automotive engineers, 1987
It's a part of > SAE handbook 1987
Monographic text

3- The index - who's who in television 1937-1984 / Vincent Terrace
New York - New York Zoetrope, c1986
It's a part of > Encyclopedia of television series, pilots and specials / Vincent Terrace
Monographic text

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