Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1986-1987

Page no. 521 of 2272       

Index to periodical articles by and about blacks / compiled by the staff of the Hallie Q. Brown memorial library, Central state university, Wilberforce, Ohio
Boston - G. K. Hall, -c1986

Index to periodical articles related to law - selected from journals not included in the Current law index, the Index to foreign legal periodicals, or the Index to legal periodicals
Dobbs Ferry, (N. Y.) - Glanville

Index to plant chromosome numers for ..
Berkeley - California botanical society, 1958-

Index to proceedings of the Security Council, United Nations
New York - United Nations

11- Index, Articles 3 to 11 / by Ronald A. Anderson
Rochester, New York - The Lawyers co-operative publishing co., 1987
It's a part of > Anderson on the Uniform commercial code / by Ronald A. Anderson
Monographic text

The index.
It's a part of > The new Encyclopaedia Britannica
Monographic text

Indian notes / Museum of the American Indian Heye foundation
V. 1 (1924)-

Indian reservations - a state and federal handbook / compiled by the Confederation of American Indians
Jefferson (N.C.) - McFarland, c1986
Monographic text

Indian self-rule - first-hand accounts of Indian-White relations from Roosevelt to Reagan / edited by Kenneth R. Philp ; with a foreword by Alvin M. Josephy, jr. and Richard Hart. .- Salt Lake City ; Chicago - Howe brothers, 1986
Monographic text

The Indiana companion to traditional Chinese literature / William H. Nienhauser, jr., editor and compiler ; Charles Hartman, associate editor for poetry ; Y. W. Ma, associate editor for fiction ; Stephen H. West, associate editor for drama
Bloomington, IN - Indiana University Press, ©1986
Monographic text

Indiana magazine of history
(Bloomington - Indiana University

Indiana theory review
Bloomington - Indiana University, (1977)-

Indiana university mathematics journal
Bloomington - Indiana university mathematics, 1970-

Indigenous world
San Francisco - (s.n.), 1982

Vol. 3- Indirect solar/nuclear
It's a part of > Alternative energy sources 7. - (proceedings of the 7. Miami international Conference on alternative energy sources, 9-11 December 1985, Miami Beach / edited by T. Nejat Veziroglu
Monographic text

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