Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1986-1987

Page no. 529 of 2272       

Insight through images - studies in honor of Edith Porada / edited by Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati ; in collaboration with Paolo Matthiae and Maurits Van Loon
Malibu - Undena, 1986
Monographic text

Insight through images - studies in honor of Edith Porada / edited by Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati in collaboration with Paolo Matthiae and Maurits Van Loon
Malibu - Undena, 1986
Monographic text

Inspection and gaging - a training manual and reference work that discusses the place of inspection in industry ... / Clifford W. Kennedy, Edward G. Hoffman, Steven D. Bond
New York - Industrial Press, c1987
Monographic text

Installation management review / Association for computing machinery. Special interest group on computer systems installation management
New York - Association for computing machinery

Instant information / editors, Joel Makower and Alan Green
New York - Prentice Hall Press, c1987
Monographic text

Institut international de finances publiques - semicentennial 1937 to 1987 / edited by Karl W. Roskamp
Detroit - Wayne state university press, 1987
Monographic text

The Institute of human origins
Berkeley, California - Yhe Institute of human origins, 1982/1983

The Institute of Mathematical Statistics bulletin
USA - Institute of mathematical statistics, 1972-

Institutional structure - constituing state, society, and the individual / George M. Thomas ... ?and others?
Newbury Park ; Beverly Hills - Sage, 1987
Monographic text

Institutions and leadership - prospects for the future ; edited by Kenneth W. Thompson
Lanham ; New York ; London - University Press of America, 1987
Monographic text

2- Instructional issues / edited by Harvey A. Houghton, Dale M. Willows
New York ; Berlin - Springer, c1987
It's a part of > The psychology of illustration / edited by Dale M. Willows, Harvey A. Houghton
Monographic text

Instructional technology - foundations / edited by Robert M. Gagne
Hillsdale ; London - L. Erlbaum, 1987
Monographic text

Instructional theories in action - lessons illustrating selected theories and models / edited by Charles M. Reigeluth
Hillsdale, N. J.(etc.) - LE A
Monographic text

Instructor's manual - cases and exercises in marketing / Wayne W. Talarzyk, Jill A. Grace
Chicago (etc.) - Dryden press, 1987
Monographic text

Instrumentation and high speed photography - papers reprinted from the Journal of the SMPTE / Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
, New York - SMPTE,1960-1963

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