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London - Allen and Unwin, 1963- Magazine Oceanography and marine biology - an annual review London - Allen and Unwin, 1963- Magazine Oceanus Woods Hole (Ma) - Woods Hole oceanographic institution, 1952- Magazine OCLC newsletter Columbus, Ohio - OCLC, 1973-(2005) Magazine October New York - MIT Press - Magazine October - the first decade, 1976-1986 / edited by Annette Michelson ...(and others Cambridge (Mass.) (etc. - MIT press, c1987 Monographic text Oculoplastic surgery / editors Clinton D. McCord, Myron Tanenbaum New York - Raven Press, c1987 Monographic text Off our backs - a women's news journal Washington (DC) - Off our backs Inc., 1970- Magazine Office practice of laboratory medicine / Bernard E. Statland and Mark A. Moskowitz guest editors Philadelphia (etc.) - W. B. Saunders, 1987 It's a part of > The medical clinics of North America Monographic text Official Bulletin - pubblished daily under order of the president by the Committee on public information George Creel chairman Washingtaon - s.n. Magazine Official bulletin of the International amateur karate federation Los Angeles - Federation, 1976- Magazine 5.- Official Catholic Social Teaching / edited by Curran, Charles E.; McCormick, Richard A. xi, 459 p. ; 20 cm. It's a part of > Readings in moral theology / edited by Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick Monographic text The official guide for GMAT review / prepared for the Graduate management admission council by Educational testing service Princeton - G.M.A.T., c1986 Monographic text The official guide to MBA programs / edited by Charlotte Kurst Princeton - G.M.A.T., c1986 Monographic text Official images - new deal photography / Pete Daniel, Merry A. Foresta, Maren Stange, Sally Stein Washington - Smithsonian Institution Press, c 1987 Monographic text |