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The romans of Paternay, or of Lusignen - otherwise known as The tale of Melusine / tranlated from the French of La Coudrette (before 1500 A.D.) ; formerly edited from a unique manuscript in the library of Trinity college, Cambridge, whit an introduction, notes and glossarial index and now revised by the rev. Walter W. Skeat Oxford - Early English text society ; Milwood, N. J. - Kraus reprint Monographic text La Fargue, Thomas Edward China's first hundred - educational mission students in the United States, 1872-1881 / Thomas E. LaFargue ; introduction by Thomas L. Kennedy Pullman (Wash.) - Washington state university press, 1987 Monographic text La Fave, Wayne R. 1- Sections 1.1 to 5.11 / by Wayne R. LaFave and Austin W. Scott Jr St. Paul, Minn. - West Publishing, 1986 It's a part of > Substantive criminal law / by Wayne R. LaFave and Austin W. Scott Jr Monographic text La Fave, Wayne R. 2- sections 6.1 to end, appendices-tables-index / by Wayne R. LaFave and Austin W. Scott Jr St. Paul, Minn. - West Publishing, 1986 It's a part of > Substantive criminal law / by Wayne R. LaFave and Austin W. Scott Jr Monographic text La Fave, Wayne R. Criminal law / by Wayne R. LaFave and Austin W. Scott jr St. Paul (Minn.) - West publishing, 1986 Monographic text La Fave, Wayne R. Search and seizure - a treatise on the fourth amendment / by Wayne R. LaFave, David C. Baum St. Paul, Minn. - West Publishing, c1987 Monographic text La Fleur, William R. The Karma of Words - Buddhism and the Literary Arts in Medieval Japan / William R. LaFleur Berkeley etc.) - University of California Press, c1983 Monographic text La Follette, Laetitia Amelia Palladio and the Baths of Trajan Decius - the recovery of a third century bath complex in Rome - Princeton University, 1986 / Laetitia Amelia La Follette Ann Arbor - UMI, printed 1989 Monographic text La Piana, Giorgio A totalitarian church in a democratic state - the American experiment - lectures given at the school of religion Butler University, february 9-10, 1949 / by George La Piana ; with foreword by Dean E. Walker United States - s.n., 1949? Monographic text La Ramée, Pierre - de (1515?-1572) Arguments in rhetoric against Quintilian - translation and text of Peter Ramus's Rhetoricae distinctiones in Quintilianum (1549) / translation by Carole Newlands ; introduction by James J. Murphy Dekalb, Ill. - Northern Illinois university press, 1986 Monographic text La Torre, Bartholomew R. - de Thomas Buckingham and the contingency of futures - the possibility of human freedom - a study and edition of Thomas Buckingham "De contingentia futurorum et arbitrii libertate", question 1 of Ostensio meriti liberae actionis / by Bartholomew R. De La Torre - Notre Dame, IN - Notre Dame U. P., 1987 Monographic text LaBerge, Stephen Lucid dreaming / Stephen LaBerge ; foreword by Robert Ornstein New York - Ballatine Books Monographic text Labiak, William Programming the 65816 / William Labiak Berkeley etc. - Sybex, c1986 Monographic text Lablonski, Edward Gershwin / Edward Lablonski New York - Doubleday, 1987 Monographic text Labo, J. A practical introduction to borehole geophysics - an overview of wireline well logging principles for geophysicists / J. Labo - edited by Samuel H. Mentemeier and Charles A. Cleneay Tulsa - Society of exploration geophysicists, 1987 Monographic text |