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New York etc. - Pergamon Press, 1989 Monographic text Comprehensive endocrinology New York (NY) - Raven press, 1979- Magazine Comprehensive handbook of cognitive therapy / edited by Arthur Freeman ... (and others) New York - Plenum Press, c1989 Monographic text Comprehensive psychiatry - official journal of the American Psychopathological Association New York - Elsevier Magazine Comprehensive textbook of psychiatry, 5 / editors Harold I. Kaplan, Benjamin J. Sadock Baltimore etc. - Williams & Wilkins, c1989 Monographic text Comprehensive virology Vol.1(1974)- Magazine Compressed air Washington - Compressed air magazine, 1965 Magazine Comptes-rendus de l'Athenee Louisianais Nouvelle Orleans - (s.n. , 1876- Magazine CompuMath citation index - CMCI Vol. 1 (1981)- Magazine Vol. 3- Compuserve to computer programs - outliners , 1988 It's a part of > Encyclopedia of microcomputers / executive editors Allen Kent, James G. Williams ; administrative editors Carolyn M. Hall, Rosalind Kent Monographic text Computation of soil resistivity reduction with frequency increase in propagation of overvoltages related to atmpspheric discharges New Orleans - Mississipi State University, 1989 Monographic text Computational complexity theory / Juris Hartmanis, editor Providence, Rhode Island - American Mathematical Society, c1989 Monographic text Computational fluid dynamics and reacting gas flows / B. Engquist, M. Luskin, A. Majda editors New York etc. - Springer-Verlag, c1988 Monographic text Computational linguistics Cambridge (Mass.) - MIT press for the Association for Computational linguistics, c1984- Magazine Computational models of learning in simple neural systems / edited by Robert D. Hawkins and Gordon H. Bower San Diego, CA (etc. - Academic press, (©1989 It's a part of > The psychology of learning and motivation - advances in research and theory Monographic text |