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1(1905)- Magazine Congress reconsidered / edited by Lawrence C. Dodd, Bruce I. Oppenheimer Washington - CQ press, c1989 Monographic text Congressional digest - an indipendent monthly featuring controversies in congress.. Washington DC - congressional digest co Magazine Congressional Quarterly's guide to the presidency / Michael Nelson editor Washington - Congressional Quarterly, c1989 Monographic text Conn's current therapy Philadelphia - W.B. Saunders, 1984- Magazine Conn's current therapy - latest approved methods of treatment for the practicing physician / edited by Robert E. Rakel Philadelphia etc. - W. B. Saunders company, c1988 Monographic text Connecticut journal of international law Hartford - Connecticut Journal of International Law Association, ©1986- Magazine The connection between infinite dimensional and finite dimensional dynamical systems - proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference held July 19-25, 1987, with support from the National science foundation and the Air force office of scientific research / Basil Nicolaenko, Ciprian Foias, Roger Temam editors Providence - American mathematical society, c1989 Monographic text Connection science - journal of neural computing, artificial intelligence and cognitive research Abingdon - Carfax, 1989- Magazine Connectionist models and their implications - readings from cognitive science / edited by David Waltz, Jerome A. Feldman Norwood - Ablex, c1988 Monographic text Connections and symbols / edited by Steven Pinker and Jacques Mehler Cambridge, Mass. etc. - The Mit press, 1988 Monographic text Connective tissue research - an international journal New York - Gordon and Breach science publishers, 1972- Magazine The connoisseur Philadelphia - (s.n.) Magazine Conquest of violence - the gandhian philosophy of conflict / by Joan V. Bondurant Princeton, New Jersey - Princeton University press, 1988 Monographic text Conradiana - a journal of Joseph Conrad studies Lubbock - Texas Tech university Magazine |