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San Diego (etc.) - Academic Press, Inc., c1989 Monographic text Strategies for new technology - case studies from Britain and France / edited by Margaret Sharp and Peter Holmes New York etc. - P. Allan, 1989 Monographic text Strategies in genetic counseling - tools for professional advancement / edited by Nancy J. Zellers New York - Human sciences press, c1989 Monographic text Strategy of the dolphin - winning elegantly by coping powerfully in a world of turbulent change / Dudley Lynch and Paul L. Kordis London - Hutchinson Business Books, c1988 Monographic text Strategy, organization design, and human resource management / edited by Charles C. Snow ; (contr. by W. Graham Astley and others) Greenwich; Ct. - Jai, 1989 Monographic text Stratigraphy of the tertiary sediments in a 945-foot-deep corehole near Mays Landing in the southeastern New Jersey Coastal Plain / by James P. Owen ... (and others) Washington - United States government printing office, 1988 Monographic text Strelec / pod redakciej Aleksandra Belensona Monographic text Strengthening local governments in Sub-Saharan Africa - proceedings of two workshops held in Porretta Terme, Italy, March 5-17, 1989 / report prepared jointly by the World bank and the Istiuto Italo-africano Washington, D.C. - the World bank, copyr. 1989 Monographic text Strenna teatrale europea - 1838-1848 / prepared by = a cura di Marcello Conati ; data verified and entered into computer at the = dati controllati e immessi su calcolatore al Centro internazionale di ricerca sui periodici musicali, Parma, Colorno ; data processed and edited at the = dati elaborati e rivisti al Center for studies in nineteenth-century music, University of Maryland, College Park Ann Arbor (Mich.) - U.M.I., ©1989 Monographic text Stress and coping across development / edited by Tiffany M. Field , Philip M. McCabe, Neil Schneiderman Hillsdale - Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1988 Monographic text Stress at work / edited by Cary L. Cooper, Roy Payne Ann Arbor - UMI, 1989 Monographic text Stress in the speech stream - the rhythm of spoken english / Wayne B. Dickerson Urbana ; Chicago - University of Illinois Press, c1989 Monographic text Stress-induced proteins - proceedings of a Hoffmann-La Roche-director's sponsors-UCLA symposium held at Keystone, Colorado, April 10-16, 1988 / editors Mary Lou Pardue, James R. Feramisco, Susan Lindquist New York, NY - Liss, (©1989 It's a part of > UCLA symposia on molecular and cellular biology Monographic text Stressful life events / edited by Thomas W. Miller Madison - International Universities Press, 1989 Monographic text Strikes, wars and revolutions in an international perspective - strikes waves in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries / edited by Leopold H. Haimson, Charles Tilly Cambridge etc - Cambridge University press ; Paris - Editions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme, 1989 Monographic text |