Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1988-1989

Page no. 1108 of 2484       

Waste heat utilization - presented at the Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, San Francisco, California, December 10-15, 1989 / sponsored by the Heat Transfer Division, ASME ; edited by L.R. Davis, M.S. Sohal, S. Sengupta
New York, N.Y - American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1989
Monographic text

Waste management - international journal of integrated waste management, science and technology
New York ; Oxford - Pergamon press, 1989- .- v. - ill. ; 28 cm (, 1989- .- v. - ill. (Escono 10 fasc. l'anno)

Waste testing and quality assurance / David Friedman, editor
Philadelphia - ASTM, 1988
Monographic text

Wastewater management for coastal cities - the ocean disposal option / Charles G. Gunnerson, editor ; with contribution from Paul G. Davis (and others)
Washington, D.C. - The World Bank, (1988)
Monographic text

3- Wastewater treatment technology
Houston - Gulf, c1989
It's a part of > Encyclopedia of environmental control technology / Paul N. Cheremisinoff editor
Monographic text

Water & wastewater international - groundwater, wastewater, irrigation, water supply
Tulsa, OK - Penn Well, 1985-

11.01- Water - (I)
, 1988
It's a part of > Annual Book of ASTM Standards 1988 / American Society for Testing and Materials
Monographic text

11.02- Water - (II)
, 1988
It's a part of > Annual Book of ASTM Standards 1988 / American Society for Testing and Materials
Monographic text

Section 11- Water and Environmental Technology
, 1988
It's a part of > Annual Book of ASTM Standards 1988 / American Society for Testing and Materials
Monographic text

The water book - international catalog Barnstead
Dubuque (USA) - Barn s t ead, 1989
Monographic text

Water chlorination - environmental impact and health effects - proceedings of the Conference on the environmental impact of water chlorination
Ann Arbor - Ann Arbor science, 1978-
Monographic text

Water engineering & management
Des Plaines(IL) - Scranton Gillette communications, 1981-2001

Water environment & technology
Alexandria (VA) - water pollution control federation, 1989-1999

Water lilies / Monet ; (a cura di) Charles F. Stuckey
New York - Hugh Lauter Levine associates, c1988
Monographic text

Water resources bulletin / American water resources association. --vol. 32, n. 6 (Dec. 1996)
Herndon, Va. - AWRA, (1965)-1996

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