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The best of José Feliciano (USA?) - RCA, c1989 Audio recording Felipe, Carlos Teatro / Carlos Felipe ; edicion a cargo de Jose A. Escarpanter y Jose A. Madrigal Boulder, Colorado - Society of spanish and spanish-american studies, copyr. 1988 Monographic text Felix, Christopher A short course in the secret war / Christopher Felix ; annotated with a new introduction by the true author James McCargar New York - Dell book, 1988 Monographic text Felkenes, George T. Constitutional law for criminal justice / George T. Felkenes Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey - Prentice Hall, c 1988 Monographic text Felknor, Bruce L. How to look things up and find things out / Bruce L. Felknor New York - Morrow, c1988 Monographic text Fell, Barry America B.C. - Ancient Settlers in the New World / Barry Fell New York - Pocket Books, 1989 Monographic text Fell, James Michael Gardner 2- Banach -algebraic bundles, induced representations, and the generalized mackey analysis / J. M. G. Fell, R. R. Doran Boston etc. - Academic press, 1988 It's a part of > Representations of *-algebras, locally compact groups, and Banach *-algebraic bundles / J. M. G. Fell, R. S. Doran Monographic text Fell, James Michael Gardner 1- Basic representations theory of groups and algebras / J. M. G. Fell, R. S. Doran Boston etc. - Academic press, 1988 It's a part of > Representations of *-algebras, locally compact groups, and Banach *-algebraic bundles / J. M. G. Fell, R. S. Doran Monographic text Fell, James Michael Gardner Representations of *-algebras, locally compact groups, and Banach *-algebraic bundles / J. M. G. Fell, R. S. Doran Boston etc. - Academic Press, c1988 Monographic text Fellman, Michael Inside war - the guerrilla conflict in Missouri during the American civil war / Michael Fellman New York ; Oxford - Oxford University Press, 1989 Monographic text Fels, Thomas Weston O say can you see - American photographs, 1839-1939 - one hundred years of American photography from the George R. Rinhart collection / Thomas Weston Fels ; preface by George R. Rinhart ; foreword by Debra Bricker Balken Cambridge, Mass. ; London - The MIT Press ; Pittsfield - The Berkshire Museum, c 1989 Monographic text Felstinskij, Juri SSSR-Germanija 1939-1941 / sotavitel' Ju. Fel'štinskij ; predislovie A. Avtorhanova N'ju-Jork - Teleks, 1989 Monographic text Feng, Y.P. The O.1 Hz breakdown characteristics of a particle contaminated coaxial system in SF6/dry air mixtures / Y.P. Feng (and others) New Orleans - Mississipi State University, 1989 Monographic text Fengler, Christie Knapp Lorenzo Ghibertis "Second commentary" - the translation and interpretation of a fundamental renaissance treatise on art - University of Wisconsin, 1974 / Christie Knapp Fengler Ann Arbor - UMI, printed 1989 Monographic text Fenichel, Gerald M. Clinical pediatric neurology - a signs and symptons approach / Gerald M. Fenichel Philadelphia (etc.) - Saunders, 1988 Monographic text |