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Fruit / by Amy Nathan ; photographs by Kathryn Kleinman ; styling by Amy Nathan ; text by Jo Mancuso ; book design by Jacqueline Jones San Francisco - Chronicle Books, c1988 Monographic text Nathan, Richard P. Social Science in Government - Uses and Misuses / Richard P. Nathan New York - Basic Books, 1988 Monographic text Nation, R. Craig War on war - Lenin the Zimmerwald Left and the origins of communist internationalism / by R. Craig Nation Durham, N.C. ; London - Duke university press, ©1989 Monographic text National academy of arbitrators Arbitration ... - proceedings of the ... annual meeting National academy of arbitrators Washington - Bureau of national affairs Magazine National academy of engineering Assessment of the National science foundation's engineering research centers program - a report for the National science foundation / by the National academy of engineering Washington D. C. - (a cura dell'A. , 1989 Monographic text National academy of engineering Focus on the future - a national action plan for career-long education for engineers - report of the Committee on career-long education for engineers / National academy of engineering Washington D. C. - (a cura dell'A. , 1988 Monographic text National Academy of Sciences Scientists and Human Rights in Somalia - report of a delegation / National Academy of Sciences and Institute of Medicine Washington - National Academy of Sciences, 1988 Monographic text National academy of sciences (Washington) 50 years with nuclear fission - April 25-28, 1989 / National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. and National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, Maryland ; edited by James W. Behrens, Allan D. Carlson La Grange Park (Ill.) - American Nuclear Society, c1989 Monographic text The national cancer institute of Canada Canadian cancer conference - proceedings of the ... canadian cancer research conference New York - Academic press, 1955- Magazine National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research Technical report NCEER / National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research v. ; 28 cm Magazine National Center for Education Statistics Education indicators / National Center for Education Statistics Monographic text National center for geographic information and analysis (Santa Barbara) Object-oriented database technology for GIS - seminar workbook - seminar presented November 29, 1988, San Antonio , Texas GIS-LIS '89 / by Andrew Frank & Max Egenhofer The place of publication is not referred - National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, 1988 Monographic text National clearinghouse for mental health information Psychopharmacology bulletin / National clearinghouse for mental health information Bethesda - The clearinghouse Magazine National conference on artificial intelligence (7 ; 1988 ; Saint Paul, MN) Seventh national conference on artificial intelligence - proceedings AAAI-88 - August 21-26, 1988, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA / sponsored by American association for artificial intelligence ; in cooperation with the University of Minnesota and a consortium of Minnesota corporations San Mateo - distributed by M. Kaufmann, c1988 Monographic text National conference on hydraulic engineering (1989 ; New Orleans) Hydraulic engineering - proceedings of the 1989 national conference on hydraulic engineering, New Orleans, Louisiana, august 14-18, 1989 / edited by Michael A. Ports New York - American society of civil engineers, c1989 Monographic text |