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Way out west / Sonny Rollins (United States) - Contemporary, (1988) Audio recording Rollock, Barbara Black authors and illustrators of children's books - a biographical dictionary / by Barbara Rollock New York ecc. - Garland, 1988 Monographic text Rollock, Barbara T. Public library services for children / Barbara T. Rollock ; with foreword by Augusta Baker Hamden - Library professional publications, 1988 Monographic text Rolston, David W. Principles of artificial intelligence and expert systems development / David W. Rolston New York - McGraw-Hill, c1988 Monographic text Rolston, Holmes Environmental ethics - duties to and values in the natural world / Holmes Rolston, 3 Philadelphia - Temple University Press, 1988 Monographic text Rolston, Holmes Philosophy gone wild - environmental ethics / Holmes Rolston Buffalo (NY) - Prometheus Books, 1989 Monographic text Romagnoli, Margaret The new Romagnolis' table / Margaret and G. Franco Romagnoli ; photographs by G. Franco Romagnoli New York - Atlantic Monthly Press, c1988 Monographic text Roman, Ernan Integrated direct marketing - tecniques and strategies for success / Ernan Roman ; foreword by Bob Stone, Jim Kobs New York etc. - McGraw-Hill, c1988 Monographic text Roman, Sanaya Spiritual grouth - being your higher self / Sanaya Roman Tiburon - Kramer, 1989 Monographic text Roman, Zoltan Gustav Mahlers American Years 1907-1911 - a documentary history / By Zoltan Roman Stuyvesant, NY - Pendragon Press, ©1989 Monographic text Romanelli, Raffaele Political debate, social history, and the italian borghesia- changing perspectives in historical research / reviewed by Raffaele Romanelli Chicago - The University Chicago, c1989 Monographic text Romano, Giulio I Modi - the sixteen pleasures - an erotic album of the Italia Renaissance / Giulio Romano ... (and others) ; edited, traslated from the italian and with a commentary Lynne Lawner Evanston - Northwester University Press, 1988 Monographic text Romanoff, Melvin Underground corrosion / Melvin Romanoff Houston (Texas) - Nace, 1989 Monographic text Romer, Elizabeth The Tuscan year / Elizabeth Romer San Francisco - North Point Press, 1989 Monographic text Rona, Donna C. Environmental permits - a time-saving guide / Donna C. Rona New York - Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1988 Monographic text |