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New York ; London - Plenum press, c1990 Monographic text Selevac - a neolithic village in Yugoslavia / edited by Ruth Tringham, Dusan Krstic Los Angeles - University of California, Institute of Archaeology, 1990 Monographic text The self - interdisciplinary approaches/ Jaine Strauss, George R. Goethals editors New York (etc.) - Springer, c1991 Monographic text Self and liberation - the Jung-Buddhism dialogue / Daniel J. Meckel, Robert L. Moore editors New York - Paulist, 1991 Monographic text The Self in social interaction / edited by Chad Gordon and Kenneth J. Gergen New York ?etc.? - Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1968- . Monographic text The self in transition - infancy to childhood / edited by Dante Cicchetti and Marjorie Beeghly Chicago (etc.) - The university of Chicago press, 1990 Monographic text Self-control and the addictive behaviours / edited by N. Heather, W.R. Miller and J. Greeley Botany - Maxwell Macmillan publishing Australia, 1991 Monographic text Self-directed learning - consensus & conflict / Huey B. Long and associates Norman - Oklahoma research center for continuing professional and higher education of the University of Oklahoma, c1991 Monographic text Self-handicapping - the paradox that isn't / Raymond L. Higgins, C. R. Snyder, Steven Berglas New York ; London - Plenum Press, 1990 Monographic text Self-inference processes - the Ontario symposium, volume 6 / edited by James M. Olson, Mark P. Zanna Hillsdale, N.J. etc. - Lawrence Erlbaum associates, 1990 Monographic text Self-organization, emerging properties, and learning / edited by Agnessa Babloyantz New York ; London - Plenum, published in cooperation with NATO scientific affairs division, c1991 Monographic text Self-referencing in social systems / Felix Geyer and Johannes Van Der Zouwen, editors Salinas - Intersystems publications, c1990 Monographic text The self-society dynamic - cognition, emotion, and action / edited by Judith A. Howard, Peter L. Callero Cambridge, (Mass.) (etc.) - Cambridge University press, 1991 Monographic text Self-steering and cognition in complex systems - toward a new cybernetics / ed. by Francis Heylighen, Eric Rosseel and Frank Demeyere New York - Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1990 Monographic text SEM newsletter / Society for Ethnomusicology Ann Arbor - Society for Ethnomusicology, 1967- Magazine |