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Newbury Park (etc.) - Sage, 1987- Magazine Gender and discourse in Victorian literature and art / edited by Anthony H. Harrison and Beverly Taylor DeKalb - Northern Illinois university press, 1992 Monographic text Gender and reading - essays on readers, texts, and contexts / edited by Elizabeth A. Flynn and Patrocinio P. Schweickart Baltimore (etc.) - Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992 Monographic text Gender and soul in psychotherapy / Nathan Schwartz-Salant and Murray Stein, editors Wilmette, Ill. - Chiron Publications, c1992 Monographic text Gender conflicts - new essays in women's history / edited by Franca Iacovetta and Mariana Valverde Toronto °etc. - University of Toronto press, c1992 Monographic text Gender Dysphoria- Interdisciplinary approaches in clinical management / Walter O. Bockting, Eli Coleman Editors New York, London, Norwood(Australia) - The Haworth Press, c1992 Monographic text Gender in performance - the presentation of difference in the performing arts / edited by Laurence Senelick Hanover ?etc.? - University press of New England, c1992 Monographic text Gender issues across the life cycle / Barbara Rubin Wainrib, editor New York - Springer, c1992 Monographic text Gender, body, knowlegde - feminist reconstructions of being and knowing / edited by Alison M. Jaggar and Susan R. Bordo New Brunswick - Rutgers University press, 1992 Monographic text Gender, families and elder care / Jeffrey W. Dwyer, Raymond T. Coward, editors Newbury Park (etc.) - Sage, c 1992 Monographic text Gender, families, and elder care / Jeffrey W. Dwyer, Raymond T. Coward, editors Newbury Park ?etc.? - Sage, c1992 Monographic text Gendered states - feminist (re)visions of international relations theory / edited by V. Spike Peterson Boulder, Col. - Lynne Rienner, 1992 Monographic text Gendering organizational analysis / edited by Albert J. Mills, Peta Tancred Newbury Park etc. - Sage, c1992 Monographic text Genders Austin - University of Texas press in cooperation with the University of Colorado at Boulder, 1988- Magazine 2- Gene expression / edited by Elizabeth W. Jones, John R. Pringle, James R. Broach Plainview (N.Y.) - Cold spring Harbor laboratory press, 1992 It's a part of > The molecular and cellular biology of the yeast saccharomyces / edited by James R. Broach, John R. Pringle e Elizabeth W. Jones Monographic text |