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Septieme conference cartographique regionale des Nations Unies pour l'Asie et l'Extreme-Orient - Tokio, 15-27 octobre 1973 New York - Nations Unies, 1974- Monographic text Conference International Theory and Applications in Business Industry and Government (9th. ; 1990 ; Fairfax) Multiple Criteria Decision Making - Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference- Theory and Applications in Business, Industry, and Government / A. Goicoechea, L. Duckstein, S. Zionts Editors New York ... etc - Springer-Verlag, 1992 Monographic text Conference of Computers in cardiology Computers in cardiology 1992 - proceedings - October 11-14, 1992, Durham, North Carolina USA Los Alamitos, Calif. - IEEE Computer Society Press, c1992 Monographic text Conference on competition and regulation- compatible bedfellows? (1990 ; Washington (DC)) Proceedings of the Conference on competition and regulation- compatible bedfellows? - the challenge of regulating a competitive energy industry - January 18, 1990, Washington, DC / editors- Abigail Porter, Penelope S. Ferreira Washington (DC) - American bar association Coordinating group on energy law, c1992 Monographic text Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (1992 ; Toronto) CSCW '92 - sharing perspectives - proceeding of the conference on computer-supported Cooperative Work - October 31 to November 4, 1992 Toronto, Canada / sponsored by ACM SIGCHI & SIGOIS ; Jon Turner and Robert Kraut, eds New York - The Association for Computing Machinery, c1992 Monographic text Conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (1992 ; Champaign, Illinois) Proceedings - 1992 IEEE computer society conference on computer vision and pattern recognition june 15-18, 1992, Champaing, Illinois / sponsored by the IEEE computer society technical committee on pattern analysis and machine intelligence Los Alamitos, California (etc.) - IEEE computer society press, c1992 Monographic text Conference on Down syndrome and Alzheimer disease (1992 ; New York, N.Y.) Down syndrome and Alzheimer disease - proceedings of the National Down syndrome society Conference on Down syndrome and Alzheimer disease, held in New York, January 16 and 17, 1992 / editors Lynn Nadel, Charles J. Epstein New York, N.Y. (etc. - Wiley-Liss, (©1992 It's a part of > Progress in clinical and biological research - PCBR Monographic text Conference on giant oil and gas fields of the decade 1978-1988 (1990 ; Stavanger) Giant oil and gas fields of the decade 1978-1988 - proceedings of the conference held in Stavanger, Norway, September 9-12, 1990 / edited by Michel T. Halbouty Tulsa - American association of petroleum geologists, c1992 Monographic text Conference on object oriented programming systems, languages, and applications (7. ; 1992 ; Vancouver) Oopsla '92- conference on object oriented programming systems, languages, and applications - conference proceedings / edited by Andreas Paepcke New York - ACM press, 1992 Monographic text Conference on object-oriented programming systems, languages and applications (1992 ; Vancouver) Conference on object-oriented programming systems, languages, and applications, conference proceedings, 18-22 october 1992 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada / edited by Adreas Paepcke New York - ACM, c1992 Monographic text Conference on software maintenance (1992 ; Orlando) Conference on software maintenance 1992 - November 9-12, 1992, Orlando, Florida - proceedings / Edited by Marc Kellner ; Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society. Technical Council on Software Engineering, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ; in cooperation with Sostware Maintenance Association, Association for Computer Machinery Los Alamitos - IEEE Computer Society Press, 1992 Monographic text Conference on Symbolic dynamics and applications(Yale University ; 1991) Symbolic dynamics and its applications - proceedings of the conference on symbolic dynamics and its applications, held in honor of Roy Adler, was held at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, july 28 august 2, 1991 / Editor Peter Walters Providence, Rhode Island - American Mathematical Society, c1992 Monographic text Conference on the clinical delineation of birth defects (2. ; 1969 ; Baltimora) Conference on The clinical delineation of birth defects - held at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, may 26-31 1969 - sponsored by the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions and the National Foundation March of Dimes / ed. Daniel Bergsma ; associated ed. Victor A. Mckusick ... ?and others? Baltimore - Williams & Wilkins Co., 1969- . Monographic text Moscow Conference on the Cuban Missile Crisis (1989 ; Moscow) Back to the brink - proceedings of the Moscow Conference on the Cuban Missile Crisis, January 27-28, 1989 / edited by Bruce J. Allyn, James G. Blight, and David A. Welch ; with a foreword by Georgy Shaknazarov (Cambridge, Mass.) - Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University, c1992 Monographic text Conference on uncertainty in artificial intelligence (8 ; 1992) Uncertainty in artificial intelligence - proceedings of the eighth conference (1992) - July 17-19, 1992 / edited by Didier Dubois ... and others San Mateo - Morgan Kaufmann, c1992 Monographic text |