Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1992

Page no. 1166 of 1641       

Hankes, Elmer Joseph
A universal second language / by Elmer Joseph Hankes
Minneapolis - The Hankes foundation, 1992
Monographic text

Hanlon, Joseph F.
Handbook of package engineering / Joseph F. Hanlon
Lancaster (Penn.) - Technomic Publishing, c1992
Monographic text

Hannan, Michael T.
Dynamics of organizational populations - density, legitimation, and competition / Michael T. Hannan, Glenn R. Carroll
New York ; Oxford - Oxford university press, 1992
Monographic text

Hannerz, Ulf
Cultural complexity - studies in the social organization of meaning / Ulf Hannerz
New York ; Oxford - Columbia university press, c1992
Monographic text

Hannon, Hilary
Discovering RLIN - an introduction to the research libraries information network database / Hilary Hannon
Mountain View - The research libraries group, 1992
Monographic text

Hannoosh, Michele
Baudelaire and caricature - from the comic to an art of modernity / Michele Hannoosh
The place of publication is not referred - The Pennsylvania State University Press, c1992
Monographic text

Hansen Tuttle, Elaine
Chaucer and the fictions of gender / Elaine Tuttle Hansen
Berkeley (etc.) - University of California press, c1992
Monographic text

Hansen, Chad
A Daoist theory of chinese thought - a philosophical interpretation / Chad Hansen
New York ; Oxford - Oxford University Press, 1992
Monographic text

Hansen, Eldon
Global optimization using interval analysis / Eldon Hansen
New York etc. - Dekker, c1992
Monographic text

Hansen, Shirley J.
Performance contracting for energy and environmental systems
Lilburn - The Fairmont press, 1992
Monographic text

Hanson, James A.
Opening the capital account - a survey of issues and results / James A. Hanson
(Washington) - Country economics department and country department IV, Latin America and the Caribbean region, World bank, 1992
Monographic text

Hanson, Philip
From stagnation to catastroika - commentaries on the Soviet economy, 1983-1991 / Philip Hanson
New York etc. - Praeger, 1992
Monographic text

Hansson, Tore L.
Physical therapy in craniomandibular disorders / Tore L. Hansson, Catherine A.Christen Minor, Deborah L.Wagon Taylor
Chicago (etc.) - Quintessence, c1992
Monographic text

Hapgood, Marilyn Oliver
Wallpaper and the artist - from Dürer to Warhol / Marilyn Oliver Hapgood
New York - Abbeville pub. Group, c1992
Monographic text

Hapke, Laura
Tales of the working girl - wage-earning women in American literature, 1890-1925 / Laura Hapke
New York - Twayne ; Toronto - Maxwell Macmillan Canada, c1992
Monographic text

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