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Illustrated Ventura 3.0 / George Sheldon Plano - Wordware publishing, 1992 Monographic text Sheldon, Jennifer W. Wild dogs - the natural history of the nondomestic Canidae / by Jennifer W. Sheldon San Diego (etc.) - Academic press, c1992 Monographic text Shell, Donald The House of Lords / Donald Shell New York etc. - Harvester Wheatsheaf, c1992 Monographic text Shelley, Marjorie The care and handling of art object - practices in the Metropolitan museuum of art / by Marjorie Shelley ; with contributions by members of the curatorial and conservation departments of the Metropolitan museum of art ; illustrations by Helmut Nickel New York - The Metropolitan museum of art, 1992 Monographic text Shelley, Mary Frankenstein / Mary Shelley ; complete, authoritative text with biographical and historical contexts, critical history, and essays from five contemporary critical perspectives, edited by Johanna M. Smith Boston - Bedford books of St. Martin's press, ©1992 Monographic text Shelley, Mary Frankenstein - complete, authoritative text with biographical and historical contexts, critical history, and essays from five contemporary critical perspectives / Mary Shelley ; edited by Johanna M. Smith Boston - Bedford Books of St. Martins Press, 1992 Monographic text Shelley, Mary Mythological dramas- Proserpine and Midas - Bodleian MS. Shelley d. 2 / Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley ; edited by Charles E. Robinson. Together with Relation of the death of the family of the Cenci - Bodleian MS. Shelley adds. e. 13 New York - London - Garland, 1992 Monographic text Shelley, Percy Bysshe Drafts for Laon and Cythna - facsimiles of Bodleian MSS. Shelley adds. e. 14 and adds. e. 19 / Percy Bysshe Shelley ; edited with an introduction and notes by Tatsuo Tokoo New York ; London - Garland, 1992 Monographic text Shelley, Percy Bysshe Shelleys Pisan winter notebook (1820-1821) - a facsimile of Bodleian MS Shelley adds. e. 8 / Percy Bysshe Shelley ; edited by Carlene A. Adamson New York ; London - Garland, 1992 Monographic text Shelp, Earl E. AIDS and the church - the second decade / Earl E. Shelp and Ronald H. Sunderland Louisville, Ky. - Westminster ; J. Knox press, c 1992 Monographic text Shelton, Beth Anne Women, men and time - gender differences in paid work, housework and leisure / Beth Anne Sheldon Westport, Connecticut ; London - Greenwood, 1992 Monographic text Shemesh, Haim Soviet-Iraqi relations, 1968-1988 - in the shadow of the Iraq-Iran conflict / Haim Shemesh Boulder ; London - Lynne Rienner, 1992 Monographic text Sheng, Bright Three chinese poems (1982-1992) - for mezzo-soprano and piano / Bright Sheng New York - G. Schirmer, c1992 Music Shenkel, William M. Real estate appraisal / William M. Shenkel Cincinnati - South-Western Publishing, c1992 Monographic text Shepard, Thomas H. Catalog of teratogenic agents / Thomas H. Shepard ed. - Baltimore ; London - The Johns Hopkins University press, 1992 Monographic text |