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It's a part of > Securities regulation / Louis Loss, Joel Seligman Monographic text 11 / edited by Jacob A. Marinsky, Yizhak Marcus New York (etc.) - Dekker, ©1993 It's a part of > Ion exchange and solvent extraction - a series of advances / edited by Jacob A. Marinsky, Yzhak Marcus Monographic text 11 / edited by M. L. Anson ... (and others) New York - Academic Press, 1956 It's a part of > Advances in protein chemistry / edited by M.L. Anson, John T. Edsall Monographic text 11 / Jelena O. Krstovic, editor ; Zoran Minderovic, associate editor Detroit etc. - Gale research, ©1993 It's a part of > Classical and medieval literature criticism - excerpts from criticism of the works of world authors from classical antiquity through the fourteenth century, from the first appraisals to current evalu... Monographic text 11-12- (NUBU-SAIC New York - Macmillan ; London - Collier Macmillan, 1993 It's a part of > The encyclopedia of religion / Mircea Eliade editor in chief Monographic text 11- 1990-1991 Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. - Oceana It's a part of > American international law cases. 3. series / edited by Bernard D. Reams jr Monographic text 11- 1990-1991 / edited by Bernard D. Reams jr , 1993 It's a part of > American international law cases. 3. series / edited by Bernard D. Reams jr Monographic text 11- Solovyov Truck Chicago etc. - Encyclopaedia Britannica, c1993 It's a part of > ?Vol. 1-12- ?Micropaedia - ready reference Monographic text 11- T / Robert E. Lewis, editor-in-chief ; Mary Jane Williams poi Marilyn S. Miller poi Elizabeth S. Girsch review editors ; Joseph P. Pickett ... and others associate editors ; Paul Acker ... et al. assistant editors Ann Arbor - The university of Michigan press, 1993-1997 It's a part of > Middle English dictionary Monographic text 12 / David Segal, editor ; Laurie DiMauro ... and others , associate editors Detroit etc. - Gale research, ©1993 It's a part of > Short story criticism - criticism of the works of short fiction writers Monographic text 125 greath moments of Harpers Bazaar - a commemorative collection of outstanding photographs, illustration and texts that have appeared in Harpers Bazaar, in celebration of the magazines 125th anniversary / editorial director Anthony T. Mazzola Monographic text 12- 1990-1991 Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. - Oceana It's a part of > American international law cases. 3. series / edited by Bernard D. Reams jr Monographic text 12- 1992-1993 Washington - National gallery of art, 1993 It's a part of > Sponsored research in the history of art - advanced research projects in the history of art, archaeology, and related fields supported by public and private institutions in the United States and abro... Monographic text 12- Trudeau Zywiec Chicago etc. - Encyclopaedia Britannica, c1993 It's a part of > ?Vol. 1-12- ?Micropaedia - ready reference Monographic text New York ; Chichester ; etc. - John Wiley and Sons, c1993 It's a part of > ?1-?Thermal methods Monographic text |