Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1993

Page no. 19 of 1626       

1- 1736-1900 / Wolodymyr Motyka
New York ; London - Garland, 1993
It's a part of > Annotated bibliography of Russian language publications on accounting, 1736-1917 / Wolodymyr Motyka
Monographic text

1- 1900-1991 / Joseph C. Miller
New York - Kraus, 1993
It's a part of > Slavery and slaving in world history - a bibliography, 1900-1991 / Joseph C. Miller
Monographic text

1- 1987-1989
It's a part of > Unicef Publications
Monographic text

1- 1990-1991
Dobbs Ferry, New York - Oceana, 1993
It's a part of > American international law cases. 3. series / edited by Bernard D. Reams jr
Monographic text

1- 1990-1991 / edited by Bernard D. Reams jr
, c1993
It's a part of > American international law cases. 3. series / edited by Bernard D. Reams jr
Monographic text

1- (A-Krasov / by John Sinkankas
Metuchen, N.J. ; London - Scarecrow Press, 1993
It's a part of > Gemology - an annotated bibliography / by John Sinkankas
Monographic text

1- A-ak Bayes
Chicago etc. - Encyclopaedia Britannica, c1993
It's a part of > ?Vol. 1-12- ?Micropaedia - ready reference
Monographic text

1- Achelous-Leander
, 1993
It's a part of > The Oxford Guide to Classical Mythology in the Arts, 1300-1990s / Jane Davidson Reid ; with the assistance of Chris Rohmann
Monographic text

1- Achelous-Leander / Jane Davidson Reid ; with the assistance of Chris Rohmann
New York etc. - Oxford University press, 1993
It's a part of > The Oxford guide to classical mythology in the arts, 1300-1900s / Jane Davidson Reid ; with the assistance of Chris Rohmann
Monographic text

1- Adam-Curr
New York etc. - Simon & Schuster, c1993
It's a part of > Encyclopedia of the Confederacy / Richard N. Current, editor in chief ; editorial board- Paul D. Escott ... et al.
Monographic text

1- A to D
New York - Continuum, 1993
It's a part of > Encyclopedia of world literature in the 20th century - in four volumes / Leonard S. Klein, general editor ; based on the first edition edited by Wolfgang Bernard Fleischmann
Monographic text

1- A-C
Washington - Library of Congress. Cataloging distribution Service, 1993
It's a part of > Subject headings / Library of Congress
Monographic text

1- A-F
It's a part of > The soviet military encyclopedia / Marshals of the Soviet Union A.A. Grechko and N.V. Orgakov (successive chairmen of the Main editorial commission ; edited and translated by William C. Green and W...
Monographic text

1- A-F / Frick art reference library
New York - G. K. Hall, ©1993
It's a part of > Spanish artists from the fourth to the twentieth century - a critical dictionary / Frik art reference library
Monographic text

1- A-I
, 1993
It's a part of > The serials directory - an international reference book
Monographic text

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