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New York - United Nations, 1993 It's a part of > Human rights bibliography - United Nations documents and publications - 1980-1990 / compiled by the United Nations Library, Geneva, in cooperation with the Centre for Human Rights Monographic text 1- May 3, 1993 Los Alamitos etc. - IEEE computer society press, c1993 It's a part of > IEEE international conference on robotics and automation - proceedings - May 2-6, 1993 Atlanta, Georgia Monographic text 1- Metuchen ; London - Scarecrow, 1993 It's a part of > Women in music - an encyclopedic biobibliography / by Don L. Hixon and Don A. Hennessee Monographic text 1- New-York - Oxford University Press, 1993 It's a part of > Classical mthology in the arts 1300-1990s. / Jane Davidson Reid ; with the assistance of Chris Rohmann Monographic text 1- Nos. 1-9028 / compiled and annotated by Vratislav Pechota Dobbs Ferry, New York - published for the Parker school of foreign and comparative law, by Oceana publications, 1993 It's a part of > Szladits' bibliography on foreign and comparative law - books and articles in English, 1988 / compiled and annotated by Vratislav Pechota Monographic text 1- pesni 1.-25. / Ludoviko Ariosto Moskva - Nauka, 1993 It's a part of > Neistovyj Roland / Ludoviko Ariosto ; perevod svobodnym stihom M. L. Gasparova ; izdanie podgotovili M. L. Andreev, R. M. Gorohova, N. P. Podzemskaja Monographic text 1- Subjects A-D New Providence, c1993 It's a part of > Ulrich's International periodicals directory 1993.1994 including irregular serials and annuals Monographic text 1- Subjects A-H New Providence (N.J.) - Bowker, c1993 It's a part of > Ulrich's international periodicals directory - 1993-94 - including irregular serials and annuals Monographic text 1- Text It's a part of > Outcasts- signs of otherness in northern european art of the late middle ages / Ruth Mellinkoff Monographic text 1- To 1877 / Paul S. Boyer ... and others Lexington, MA ; Toronto - D. C. Heath and Co., c1993 It's a part of > The enduring vision - a history of the American people / Paul S. Boyer ... °et al. Monographic text 1- To 1914 / Michael Scott Boston - Northeastern University Press, 1993 It's a part of > The record of singing / Michael Scott Monographic text 1- Volumes 1-47 Alexandrie (etc.) - Chadwyck-Healey, c1993-1995 It's a part of > Patrologia latina database / (Jacques-Paul Migne) Monografia - Risorsa elettronica (IT ICCU PUV 0631190) 1B- / by James J. White and Robert S. Summers , 1993 It's a part of > Uniform commercial code - negotiable instruments and funds transfers revised articles 3 and 4 and article 4A / by James J. White and Robert S. Summers Monographic text Stati Uniti d'America - Hein, 1977? It's a part of > Panama Canal - a chronology of events and background documents Monographic text Brooklyn - Mesorah publications, 1985-2001 It's a part of > Tehillim - a new translation with a commentary anthologized from talmudic, midrashic and rabbinic sources / commentary and overview by Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Feuer ; translation by Rabbi Avrohom Chaim F... Monographic text New York - Hemisphere ; (poi) Taylor and Francis, 1989- It's a part of > Physical and thermodynamic properties of pure chemicals - data compilation / T. E. Daubert, R. P. Danner Monographic text |