Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1993

Page no. 23 of 1626       

Piscataway - The Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, c1993
It's a part of > 1993 IEEE international symposium on circuits and systems - Chicago, may 3-6, 1993
Monographic text

Piscataway (N.J.) - IEEE, c1993
It's a part of > Proceedings of the 36. Midwest symposium on circuits and systems - the Westin hotel, Renaissance center, Detroit, Michigan, August 16-18, 1993
Monographic text

Austin - The University of Texas at Austin College of education, 1993
It's a part of > Rethinking the roles of technology in education - the tenth international Conference on technology and education - Massachusetts Institute of technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, March 1993
Monographic text

Piscataway - IEEE, c1993
It's a part of > Proceedings of the 1993 particle accelerator conference - papers from the 15. biennial particle accelerator conference, an international forum on accelerator science and technology held may 17-20, 19...
Monographic text

La Grange Park, Ill. - American Nuclear Society, c1993
It's a part of > Proceedings of the international topical meeting on probabilistic safety assessment - PSA '93, Clearwater beach, Florida, january 26-29, 1993 / sponsored by the American Nuclear Society's Nuclear Rea...
Monographic text

Piscataway, NJ - IEEE Service center, ©1993
It's a part of > Conference record of the 1992 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference - october 25-31, 1992, Orlando / sponsored by IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society ... (et al.)
Monographic text

Carlsbad (Ca.) - Penton Overseas, c1993
It's a part of > Vocabulearn beginners Italian
Monographic text

St. Louis - Mosby, c1993
It's a part of > Allergy - principles and practice / edited by Elliott Middleton, Jr. ... (et al.
Monographic text

It's a part of > Gastrointestinal disease - pathopysiology, diagnosis, management / editors Marvin H. Sleisenger, John S. Fordtran ; with a foreword by Thomas P. Almy
Monographic text

New York - American Society of Civil Engineers, c1993
It's a part of > Coastal zone '93 - proceedings of the eigth symposium on coastal and ocean management, New Orleans, July 19-23, 1993 / edited by Orville T. Magoon, W. Stanley Wilson ... (etc.)
Monographic text

It's a part of > Limb development and regeneration - proceedings of the fourth International conference on limb development and regeneration, held in Asilomar, California, July, 1992 / editors John F. Fallon ... (et ...
Monographic text

Piscataway, NJ, c1993
It's a part of > 9. IEEE International pulsed power conference - Albuquerque, New Mexico June 21-23, 1993 / Editors- Kenneth R. Prestwich, W. L.Baker ; in cooperation with IEEE Electron Devices Society and IEEE Nucle...
Monographic text

Plainview, N.Y. - Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 1993
It's a part of > The development of Drosophila melanogaster / edited by Michael Bate, Alfonso Martinez Arias
Monographic text

Piscataway, NJ. - IEEE, c1993
It's a part of > IAS '93 - Conference record of the 1993 IEEE industry applications conference - 28. IAS annual meeting
Monographic text

Cambridge (Mass.) ; London - Harvard University press, 1993
It's a part of > Elegy and Iambus being the remains of all the Greek elegiac and iambic poets from Callinus to Crates excepting the choliambic writers with the Anacreontea / newly edited and translated by J. M. Edmon...
Monographic text

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