Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1993

Page no. 1572 of 1626       

United States - Department of Interior - Bureau of Reclamation
Federal reclamation law - annotated - a chronological compilation of public statutes of the United States... / United States Department of the Interior
Washington - United States Government printing office, 1958
Monographic text

United States - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
The Restoration of HST images and spectra. 2. - proceedings of a workshop held at the Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 18-19 Novemner 1993 / edited by Robert J. Hanisch and Richard L. White
(Baltimore) - the Space Telescope Science Institute, (1993)
Monographic text

United States Book Exchange
Newsletter / The United States Book Exchange
Washington - (s.n. , 1949-

United States Centennial Commission
International exhibition 1876, Official Catalogue / United States Centennial Commission
Philadelphia - John R. Nagle and Company, (1876
Monographic text

United States Eastern Amateur Ski Association
The ski annual / The United States Eastern Amateur Ski Association
Littleton - The United States Eastern Amateur Ski Association

United States Geological Survey
New publications of the U.S. Geological Survey
Reston (VA) - Dept. of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey, 1984-

United states of America - Competitiveness policy council
A competitiveness strategy for America - second report to the President & Congress / Competitiveness policy council
Washington D. C. - (a cura dell'A. , 1993
Monographic text

United States of America - Department of labor
United States Department of labor annual report - 1960 / United States of America Department of labor
(Washington - U.S. Department of labor

United states of America - Office of technology assessment
Defense conversion - redirecting R & D / Office of technology assessment, Congress of the United states
Washington D. C. - U-S- Government printing office, 1993
Monographic text

United States of America - Sentencing commission
Federal sentencing guidelines manual - Effective November 1, 1987 - including November 1, 1993 amendments to guidelines, policy statements, and commentary ... / United States Sentencing commission
St. Paul, Minn. - West Publishing, 1993
Monographic text

United states of America - United nations association
Schooling for democracy - reinventig UNESCO for the post-cold war world / report of the American panel on UNESCO of the United nations association of the USA
New York - UNA-USA publications department, 1993
Monographic text

United States pharmacopeial convention
USP 22. - the United States Pharmacopeia, 22. revision ; NF 17. - the National Formulary, 17. ed. Supplement / by authority of the United States Pharmacopeial Convention
Rockville (Md.) - United States Pharmacopeial Convention, 1990-1994
Monographic text

University (Chicago) - Oriental Institute
The Hittite dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago / edited by Hans G. Guterbock and Harry A. Hoffner
Chicago - The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 1980-
Monographic text

University of (State of New York) - Regents
Annual report on the New York State Museum of natural history / by the regents of the University of the State of New York
Albany - the University, (1847?)-

University of California
Catalogue of officers and students ... / University of California
Berkeley - The University Press, 1902-

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